Chapter 35

Things were bad last night, even worse as he knew it. The guard told him that Jeremy would be cured for another three or four days. He may need more patience.

This is a disaster. . . How patient is a person?

Jeremy suddenly showed an annoyed expression when Chris didn't answer.

"Don't say it, just an asshole and do arrogant things."

Not arrogant, but I don't know what to say. He looked shabby and couldn't sleep, he said. This is because Jeremy is obsessed with the smell of pheromones, and he is not at all.

He's dying. Although Chris has more fighting tactics, he can't even compete with Jeremy compared to his bravery and recklessness.

When the other person is not talking, Jeremy doesn't want to pay attention. He gets out of bed and washes his face, but when he wipes his face, Jeremy suddenly stops, and his eyes see the redness and swelling on his neck.

Roy Kismark of Chris. . .