Chapter 42

The physical examination is to ensure that participants in this hell project are of secondary gender in all criminal records. Apart from Jeremy, who enjoys more custody than other prisoners, he has no other interests because he lost his life in the game. So the executor of this project wants to know how strong his body is, because Jeremy is an Omega instead of an ordinary Omega. While most Omegas are small and diminutive because of unsanitary feeding from childhood, Jeremy is tall and muscular. In addition, many combat skills and personalities show that Omega was born similar to Alpha, and can also be similar to Alpha, which makes other Alpha. At a disadvantage in the competition, so when Jeremy was found to be a difficult Omega to hunt down, Drake made things a little easier.

Let's start by randomly distributing self-defense weapons. . .

Chris got a tranquilizer gun at random … It sounds useless, but compared with Jeremy, the young Omega's weapon is even more useless.