Chapter 59

The anxiety of that day has been bothering Albert to this day. Since the last time I saw Jeremy, in order to complete Drake's plan, he lured his best friend into the game and didn't want his father's life to be in danger. He couldn't even sleep all night. He felt guilty about Jeremy and, above all, worried about the friends he had grown up with.

This anxiety made it impossible for Albert to keep the secret alone any longer, and he told Matthew everything, and his father, of course, would be angry at what he had done. Even angrier was Jeremy, who made his own decision, no matter how much Jerome tried to save his only son.

Matthew listened to Albert and immediately rushed to Jerome, despite the other party's request that he stay away from him and take all disgraceful actions to ensure safety. More importantly, it prevented Drake from dragging the Walkers into this trouble.

He disobeyed orders just to let Jeremy know. . .