Chapter 64

Drake's dirty behavior made Jerome unbearable. He spent several days contacting several of his associates to find their whereabouts. Once he got the answer, he began to prepare to go to that place. The premise is that everything is secret, and what he does cannot enter Drake's ears. So the plan needed camouflage, and Jerome let someone else camouflage him, lurking in the house as usual. He disguised himself as an Omega merchant, wearing a fake beard and headscarf, and made Albert disguise himself as an Omega, fabricating that Jerome bought Omega to treat stress problems at home. Then let Matthew drive away from the big pearl and go to Dion D.C..

Dion D.C. now looks more shabby and backward than Pearl. Even in the neighboring territory, everything has gotten worse since Pearl came to power.

Some of them died because of lack of food. . .