Chapter 6

As her footsteps grew louder and longer, a sound of scratching like claws could be heard from afar studying her every movement. Her five senses were all acting as a new werewolf shifter so even a kilometers sounds could easily hit within her airways.

She holds her breathing while she's on her way to the place of her destination. She ran so fast when she realized that no one was following her. She ran like the wind and she didn't dare to look back. She took a rest to caught for air and then keep running again.

She's been running for almost hours but she couldn't foresee her motherland. She's a skin shifter wolf and her speed was tripled than a mere human being and even faster than four wheels but how can she see it. She's now too weak and tired to run forever. She felt the dryness in her throat so she searched for running water and she found one.

" Thanks, Jesus!" She said it out loud due to excitement.

She crouched down and sat beside the flowing water. She put her mouth and drink as many as she can. She was so thirsty and hungry as well. She heard the growling sounds of her empty stomach inside her. She sniffed with her nose and she smelled something to eat.

She left the river and ran to catch her first prey. She saw a deer and Ariana chased it inside the forest. She didn't know that hungry packs were following her since she left the other side of the mountain.


Ariana PoV

At last, I saw my prey. He's hiding behind the bushes and now was my time to leap above him. I'm now making my way to attacked him when a pack of black wolves appeared right in front of me. I pulled myself back while they were approaching me.

" Hey, easy. I'm human. I'm just trapped inside this wolf skin!" I said and I hope that they understand what I'm saying.

One of them growled at me. His fangs watered like he was ready to attack me anytime. I had no choice by now but to run.

I ran swiftly from them and they all followed me. I'm now in tears and I didn't want to die so early not inside this wolf body. I made my way to every corner of the forest. I searched for some caves to hide in but I couldn't find one. I ran forward until I reached the brink of a cliff. I was trapped there. I had no ground to ran to. My legs were trembling and my whole body was shaking. As they walked forward, I pushed myself going backward until I slide my left leg but I managed to bring it back. I felt relieved after saving myself from the early danger.

" Please, don't kill me! Just let me go! I have the position here!" I remembered the small bottle where King Markus gave to me before he died.

He told me that when I'm in danger, I just drink it and I will be saved. I didn't want to believe him but I still accepted it just to satisfied him. This is the time to test what kind of help it might show me. It's nice that it's almost daylight and my wolf skin we're gradually leaving my human body. When I'm now fully shifted to my human form, all of them glared at me. They couldn't believe what they saw and even me. I covered my body when I found that I was naked. I found the bottle beside me and while they're stamping to their claws to attack me, I quickly took the cap of the bottle and drink the liquid inside until it's the last drop. When I gulped it all, my eyes widened to see them jumping in front of me, and to my surprise, my legs slipped and I fall from a very deep cliff.

" Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" I screamed until everything went dark and I was never seen from the darkness.


The year 2020 ( present )

" Ahhhhhh!!!" Anika just woke up from a deep dream.

She quickly opened her eyes and looked around her. She touched herself and she felt a little weird. She got up and dragged herself to the restroom.

She felt relieved when she saw her face, still her cold and wicked face. It felt so real, about her dream. She saw herself and she was inside the white fur of a wolf. She shook her head to forget about her weird dream. She got herself ready for the early board meeting she scheduled herself.

" Good morning! I'm Anika Perez, your new CEO of Perez Hotel and Resorts. " She said with her cold eyes and a stern voice like a man.

She was Anika Perez, one of the most Alpha females in the Perez family and any man couldn't please her. She's stone-hearted and selfish. Everyone bowed before her whenever she passed by.

Since her parents abandoned Anika, she learned to live with herself not depending on anybody.

When her adopted parents passed away, all of their properties was been transferred to her name and even their businesses. She's their only child since they had no children when they adopt her. Now, Anika Perez is the CEO of their company, Perez Hotels, and Resorts.

Today, she has a meeting with the new shareholder named Argus Mateo. He's one of the most richest bachelors in the whole of Florida in the U.S state.

Anika set off her heels inside the meeting room with her cold presence. She came first and the person she would meet this morning was still on the road.

" Ma'am, Mr. Mateo just called that he'll be late a little because of traffic" Denise, her secretary reported to her about their client.

She hates lazy people. She sighed in dismay and crossed her arms in front of her chest. She's not in the mood to be angry right now.

She made her way to all of them going to her seat.

" See, I said early meeting! Look what's happening now! Where that lazy pig Mr. Mateo! " Her growling voice echoed inside the boardroom and all of them looks surprised when Mr. Mateo suddenly appeared behind the closed door.

" Good morning everyone! Sorry if you wait for me. Did I hear my name lazy pig?" He fixes his necktie while making his way to his seat.

Everyone cleared their throat and their eyes shifted to Anika.

She just acted like she didn't say anything.

" Nothing Mr. Mateo. So good morning and you're late!" She pressed the word Late. Her eyes and expression were dead as a ghost.

" Uhm, shall we start?" Daniel, their spokesperson interrupted the tension between the two angry souls.

Argus Mateo just shrugged while Anika Perez rolled her eyes at him.

They started the meeting, regarding the plan to built a new resort near the Miami area.  It was Argus' plan and she rejected it.

" It's not a great idea to build there, besides that place is --is" she's getting sensitive again.

Argus frowned and the rest of the board members were looking at her.

He stood up and tried to lecture her.

" Look, Ms. Perez, you're being selfish here. We just want what's good for the company. Where are your leadership and concern to people who needed jobs for their families" he explained his side with his gentle words?

Argus Mateo is the type of man you wanted to date with. He's a very soft and kind hearted guy whom every girl wish to be with him but Anika was the opposite of him. She's a cold and stone-hearted female you ever don't wanna meet in your life. She's very insensitive towards other people, she just cares for herself and no man in her life to comfort and love her.

" Yes, he's right Ms. Perez, it's for the company's reputation and Mr. Mateo knows what he's doing," Daniel said and she just took a deep breath.


Argus Pov

So this woman was the CEO of this company but look how rude she is to me. I never met a woman in my life who's as cold as her. I bed many women in my life just for fun without forcing them. They're the one who willingly throws their self to me.

This woman made me feel weak and unstable. I'll do something to get her attention and be close to me.