Chapter 9

After ten years of being alone, she doesn't even think to have a guy in her life. They're only going to ruin her reigns and feelings.

She went back to her work but was distracted when someone pushed the door open. She took her eyeglasses and her eyes narrowed when Argus Mateo came in.

He looks so hot in his black tuxedo suit. His gaze towards her was so intense like he wants to devour her alive. He walked towards her with a bouquet of white roses in his hands.

Anika Perez lifted her chin upward and crossed her arms on her chest. It's not easy to get a girl if Argus thinks about her.

" Flowers for you" he uttered with a smile on her face while giving the flowers to her.

Anika wasn't happy about it. All men were the same.

" I don't accept gifts or flowers especially to someone like you" she mumbled coldly.

Argus smirked.

" Oh, I see so what kind of guy do you like? Or let's say, are you bi?" He sneered at her and made a soft chuckle.

Anika's eyes enlarge and thrust her lower jaws forward and clenched for a moment. She bit her lower lip to control her anger towards him.

She whiff out the air from her nose. This guy made her mad.

" Look, Mr. Mateo, I hired you because you're capable in this field but if you acting this way, just pack your things and go home!" She told him.

He smiled at her.

" I'm so sorry Ms. Perez, I came here to offer you these flowers as my advance thanks to this company. I hope you don't mind," he mumbled and made his way out of her office.

Anika sighed in deep dismay for herself. She thought the guy likes her. It's okay because she's not thinking about it anymore. One is enough for her.

She never thought that this man was arrogant. Why not? That's why she hated boys. They would only destroy you if you let them find your weaknesses. Just like Jerick, because she was so naive that time, he left her for another girl.

The animal made a promise to herself that woman was an Alpha over man. They would never hurt her again.

Ariana saw darkness everywhere. She called someone but nobody is answering.

" Hello? Please answer me!" Her voice echoed in the wilderness.

After her fall, she woke up like this, trapped in the darkness. She walked to find a way out until she saw a huge circle of light located at the edge of the dark place.

" At last, I found a way out," Ariana said happily.

She quickly ambled towards the wide glimpse of light inviting her to come and follow its reflection. She traveled for about an hour but it feels like she's strolling the light pathway forever. She wipes the sweats rolling down her face down her neck. She roams her eyes around her but she can't see anything like this place was only covered with a bright glint all over.

" Anyone heard me? " she started to panic.

She's alone and nowhere to go. She's back to her body and she wants to go back to her husband Arem but how now she's in the middle of nowhere. If she can turn back the time.


Anika Pov

I feel like my belly was bloated, maybe I need to practice a balanced diet. Since Jerick left me, I had no time to think about myself, and of course, due to my hectic schedule, I even forgot that chocolates and ice cream were not part of my diet plan. I love confections and even I'm a grown-up woman now, I still crave for it. I want to eat chocolates and I thought of Mr. Mateo when he brought flowers for me. I saw a glimpse of kisses near it.

I stood up from my seat when my head began to throb. It's intolerable, it hurts so much. I still had a stack of workload to do today and I can't think better where to start and now I'm like a useless imbecile if this headache of mine won't leave my head.

I called Denise my secretary. I slowly went back to my desk to take a rest.

" Denise, bring me a headache medicine now!" I said and I promptly cut off my call.

I waited for her in my office for five minutes and she's still not here. I began to feel irritated. I hate wasting my time. I hate lazy people. My head was spinning and I couldn't take it anymore. I went inside my resting room and slammed my back against the soft mattress. I didn't realize, I fall asleep.

*** I woke up with a heavy feeling. I rolled my eyes around me and I was not in my office but I was inside my room. I hold my forehead to lessen the pain inside my head. I got up but the shock hit me when I saw a girl who looks exactly like me. I pushed my body at the edge of my bed.

"Who--are you?" I asked her with my trembling voice.

I'm looking for something hard when she will do bad to me. I found a clock and I took it with me.

The girl looks terrified too. She studied me from head to toe. Her eyes stop in my face like it's her first time to see a human-like me. She titled her head from side to side of my face.

" Hey, answer me! Who are you? Why we look the same?" I asked her once again.

Based on her dress, she looks like she came from a year where I wasn't born. It's like she lives in the first era of Kings and Queens. Her dress was so off compared to the modern outfit today. She was wearing a long and heavy gown with a corset inside it. She got brown curly hair and her green eyes look stunning. Although we're different in other aspects because I had blue eyes and brunette straight hair, we both exactly look alike. She was the reincarnation of me from the 1970s and I'm her modern looks.

How come? Am I not dreaming? Wake me up, please.

" Hey, are you mute? " she's not answering me. She looks like it's her first time to be in this kind of place.

" Me? I don't know why I am here. I only trailed the lights until I got here. " at last she talks.

I don't know what she's talking about. I want some clarifications.

" Are you telling me that you just follow the shining lights and you got here in my room? " I muttered. I don't know if this woman was on drugs or what.

" Yes. Wait, may I know why my face was on you?" She asked me finally.

I sighed and raised my hands on both sides facing my palm on the ceiling and shrugged indicating that I don't know either.

" Wait, what if you followed the way to the future? Was it possible?" I said.

She's about to speak when I felt someone shook my shoulders. ***


" Wake up! Ma'am Anika do you hear me?" I heard a woman's voice calling my name.

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Denise holding my shoulders. I pushed her away because of shock.

" What happened? " I asked her.

I remember my dream, it feels teal like it happened.

Denise stumbled on the floor which I made but I didn't mean it. She fixes her eyeglasses and helps herself up from the floor. She quickly came closer and hand me the medicine for my throbbing head.

" You're talking in your sleep and I panic so I wake you up! I'm sorry ma'am if I disturb you" she whispered.

" It's okay. Maybe, I need a little rest. Call Sebastian to bring me home." I told Denise while helping myself back to my desk.

Sebastian was my bodyguard. He was only twenty-one years old and he was an orphan so I took him and offered him a job, to work with me.

" Maam Anika, you called for me? " he walked inside my office and asked me.

I moved my eyes to him. I nod and reached him with my bag.

" Take this and I'll be walking on my own," I said and tell Denise to cancel all my appointments again.

" But ma'am, you have a very urgent meeting today with Ms. Takahashi. " she's one of our investors in the company.

I took a deep sigh and think of something about how to make up with her when Mr. Mateo came.