Chapter 26

Gregory just shut his mouth and let Lucy called him. 

He knew that Kent will turn off his phone so she just wasting her time calling him. He didn't want to let him hurt her. Gregory may be guilty that I why he was too good on her. 

" His phone was off! Did you know where he was right now?" Lucy looks desperate. 

"Just take a rest. I'll talk to Eloisa. I'll tell Kent also. Tomorrow, I'll tell them to discharge you so that you can take a rest at the villa and your baby." Gregory simply said. 

Lucy felt dirty when she called her bitch. 

What will she do now? Did Kent know that Eloisa is playing sick the whole year? What if he knew so and just pretended that his wife was sick? Why? She must find out what was Kent is thinking of at this moment.



"Just tell her the truth and if not, I'll be the one to tell her!" Eloisa said to the other line. 

"Just leave Lucy to me. I'll handle her!" Kent said to his wife. 

One month ago