I suddenly couldn't eat, although Richard didn't say so, but this guy was breeding and settling for a reason. This means that this guy and his associates will plan to take over the world. Of course, species expansion will give birth to human beings like me. I'm not sure yet, but I believe this is not a good thing.
I immediately let go of my panic and returned my expression to normal.
"Then why don't you go to another planet? Why come to Earth?"
"Because Earthlings are the least developed, the most calm and the most easily controlled of all humans, anything is easier to be deceived than people on other planets."
"You're going to take over the world," I muttered to myself.
"Not to take over. The so-called rely on better."
Damn alien parasites! Can't you live on your own legs?
It's like Keith knew what I was thinking, and his expression reappeared.
"We rely on you to spawn and live on our planet, and you accept our science. The exchange of new technologies that takes place on your planet comes from thinkers on our planet."
I think of some scientists in movies, and an alien suddenly lurks in his suspicion. But nothing is more important than remembering how the noble aliens depended on the inferior Earthlings.
"If there is such advanced science, why not create a drug that makes them live without sucking their mouths?"
"They have, too, but the medicine we get from the planet is lost in the hunt and abandonment of ships, but when I find the party and get to where the medicine exists, you don't have to worry. So I don't have to rely on you to eat nutrition and lay eggs to create new bodies anymore."
But it still requires reproduction,
"Anyway, as long as it doesn't bring trouble to my world, I can do it." I also deleted this passage. I didn't want to discuss this any more, but it suddenly occurred to me that an alien would resettle. There must be a reason for this, which is quite catastrophic, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.
"Why are you emigrating? Have you been invaded?"
"Yes," Keith replied, "as I told your friends, most great apes are pacifists, but there are also some who like to invade other races. My race is called the most peaceful people. If humans are not included, the science of invaded predators in the world is not inferior to any race. But compared with the invading race, it is very bad, so we must migrate. We have migrated many planets. Even so, we can't escape hunting, so we must come here. "
"It's the nemesis of the universe. Where have you been?" I said. "When going to another planet's language."
I ask this question because I realize that this guy speaks chattering English, even though this phrase is an ancient English aristocrat.
Keith nodded before explaining. "Unicma's brain is much more complex than other nations and processes it much faster. Just listen to another language for a few minutes and you speak your language. When I first came here, I learned something from the entertainment of human animation."
"Entertainment should be a movie."
"Like entertainment, if you remember correctly, it's called Lord of the Rings. I've heard that the world is regarded as entertainment, the masterpiece of stars. In this era, we studied your language."
Oh, it's not surprising, it's like coming out of an old age, going to see an old movie, and fantasizing is like this.
"If you can speak in just a few minutes, can you speak other languages besides English?"
"It will be no problem if you listen."
I don't know why I envy his ability. I can only speak two languages, and to speak fluent English, I need a lifetime to learn. It is unfair.
"Then go and learn Thai, so that I don't have to talk to you in English, because I don't speak well."
But Keith is serious. "Find me some entertainment in that language, Gwintr."
It was the first time Keith had called me by my name, and the accent was clear, as if he heard a Thai speaking. Although my name is easy for foreigners to pronounce, I know what foreigners are saying. Unlike this guy, I don't know if it was a foreigner or a Thai.
But it's also good. I haven't heard my real name called in a long time.
"I'll give it to you," I said, and continued to eat the hamburger in my hand.
Tiredness prevented me from eating half a piece, and I had to put it down, and looking back at the clock on the wall, which said it was going to be cold, I decided to go back to the room, but I got up. My legs were shaking and I had to sit down.
For God's sake. . . You don't even have these nutrients?
"If you want to go back, I will take you there." Keith's voice told me to turn around.
Before I could answer anything, he stood up and picked me up with both arms.
"What are you doing!" When I shouted, I realized that I was holding the bride in a vague position.
Keith stopped, gave me a look, and made me stand where I was.
"Are you not feeling well? So be it."
Then he came up to me, pulled my arm around his neck, pulled it up hard, and then he was carried back again.
"Let go of you, Keith!"
Keith put me down again, stood on the floor, and looked at me with serious eyes.
"Your body is still very weak. If you move very hard, you will get hurt." Finally, he suddenly lifted my shoulder.
"Don't hug! Go by yourself!" I shouted and told Richard to sit in the bedroom and come out to see the incident.
When I saw Keith clinging to me, I kept writhing, and I suddenly let out a big laugh.
"After hitting your head, will you go into the cave? Will you give up the cave?" He said, pointing to the room.
Don't talk like it happened in the Stone Age!
"It's all right. I'll take Gwent back to his place." Before I could explain, Keith added.
"It would be more comfortable for us to go to the room," Richard smiled inadvertently.
"Look at the situation, don't joke, I'll help your friend!" I turned and sprayed Thai at it.
But Richard turned a blind eye and turned to Keith as if I wasn't there.
"Do whatever you want, but not too bad, because tomorrow at 1 p.m. you're casting with me and don't be late. The venue is the college choir room and have Kevin bring you in so you get the right one."
I was tempted to yell at him, "No," but he didn't speak very well because he was trying to break free from his shoulder, so Keith stuck him in.
"Yes, I will repeat," the voice ended, carrying me out of the room, and Richard opened the door.
"Go back there and don't stop on the road. Kevin doesn't like hardship, be careful."
You damn friend hurts! Don't think I'll be with you homosexuals!