Chapter 11

When I was finished, I spent another half hour with Grandpa and went back in the car. Derrick was patiently waiting for me the entire time. I sent him an apologetic smile and silently sat back, staring blankly out of the window.

Everything seemed so strange. I couldn't even understand most of the things my Grandpa talked about magic. What I did get was he was a human being who got married to another powerful vampire witch from the clan. And after my dad was born and grew up, he had already awakened his power and vampiric bloodline and got married to another powerful witch.

The only one who wasn't a magician was Lucy. She didn't know a single thing about it, and Gramps didn't plan on telling her anyway. I felt terrible about it, but I couldn't help but agree with Gramps. If she knew about any of these, she'd be caught in the struggle of the clan being a royal.

But there was one thing I wasn't certain about. How my parents died was still a mystery. I don't believe the fake consultation I had received as a kid that my parents died in an accident. Two powerful magicians can't end up dying just because they crossed their paths with a drunk driver.

But no matter how much I asked, I didn't get an answer. It almost looks like my grandpa kept dodging the question.

I sighed at this and rested back.

Seeing my helplessness, Derrick turned back from the passenger seat and gave a guilty glance. "I'm sorry. You have to go through this because I revealed too much. I didn't know you weren't aware of your identity."

I shook my head. "That's alright. I'm fine. It's just..." I pushed my lips as I pressed my lips in a thin line. "It's hard to take it all in."

"I understand." He said and turned back to see the road. After a long pause, his firm voice sounded again, but he didn't look back. "Do you want to unseal your powers?"

I pursed my lips and continued to stare out of the window in a trance.

Do I want to unlock the seal?

Before I could think more about it, a car rushed past and stopped right before us, making the car halt in an instant. I supported myself using the door handle and frowned, narrowing my eyes at the black car before me.

Just then, a man wearing a black suit stepped out of the car. Seeing his appearance, I was reminded of George, who liked the color black to his bones.

I tilted my head in confusion. Was there a secret organization among vampires who would like to wear black?

Before I could think more about it, Derrick said in a rare stern voice, "Don't come out, no matter what." Then he glanced back. "You hear me, Emily?"

I pursed my lips and nodded. I had no desire to step between the vampiric fight between the two of them. But wasn't I a vampire as well? A groan slipped out of my lips at that as I noticed Derrick stepping out of the car, making his way over to the man in black.

From a distance, both the men seemed to be having a calm discussion. I couldn't read their lips and hear their voices from the car, but the frown on Derrick's forehead told me that things are not as simple as it seemed.

I furrowed my eyebrows at that.

Just then, the glass behind me shattered, making a loud noise. With a swoosh, something passed by my right cheek, making my hair wave forward, covering my face. The thing suddenly hit the front seat, piercing the driver's chest as blood splattered on my body. I subconsciously used my hands to cover my face.

My pupils contracted. Slowly raising my trembling hands, I saw the blood on the back of my hands as breath stuck in my throat. My mouth opened in an instant in shock as tears formed in my eyes.

The smell of blood filled the car, but I sat frozen in the backseat of the vehicle. But other than that, a crisp sound of electricity sparkling echoed in my ears. That was when I noticed a bright white rod sparkling with electrical energy piercing the front seat in the middle.

There was no doubt: the driver was dead.

Someone died right before my eyes!

For a moment, I forgot all about my identity, powers, and whatever information I had obtained about myself in the past few hours.

I was too shocked and frightened. Tears came pouring down my eyes as I used my bloody hands to wipe them. Blood stained the delicate skin of my face, but I didn't care about it. I couldn't.

That electrical rod had nearly touched me. If I hadn't craned my neck curiously outside the window to see that man in black, I could've died!

A faint voice was heard that snapped me out of my trance.

"Emily!" Derrick yelled worriedly, struggling on the road as the man in the black suit had captured his arms. "Get out of the car! Run and find Liam!"

Was someone trying to kill me? The thought itself made me tremble in fear. I wanted to run away and find Liam, but I was frozen on the spot due to fear. Who wouldn't be afraid at this moment? Even when my parents had died, I never saw their dead bodies. I was too small to see something like that.

"Run! Emily, snap out of it and run!"

Weak hands moved and opened the door. Just as I was about to run away, cold wind circled me, making a tornado. My hair blew and waved due to the force of the wind as a loud, windy noise entered my ears.

I didn't dare to touch the wind for fear of shredding my skin into pieces. I hugged my body and closed my eyes, desperately trying to shrink myself to stay away from the tornado.

Just when I thought nothing wrong could happen, another car stopped in front of me, and the wind stopped moving around me. It pushed me inside the car as if someone had just kicked my back. Before the vehicle turned back, I saw a worried expression on Derrick's face. He struggled against the fierce vampire, but it seemed impossible.

Derrick was already a king, but why did it seem like he wasn't as powerful as the man in black? What kind of inhuman strength did the man have to capture Derrick? I didn't get to ponder over this as the car took me away.

That was when I noticed the people inside the car. The three of them were wearing the same colored suit. One was beside me, using his hands to control the wind around me. Another was on the passenger seat while the last one drove the car away.

"That was easy." The man in the passenger seat sneered. "I thought the old man would never leave this girl alone."

"Don't worry, Stewart. He's finally alone." A smirk formed on the face of the guy who controlled the wind. "We can finally kill that old man."

My eyes widened at that.

Kill that old king? Did it mean I wasn't their target? They actually wanted to separate the old king and me?

"But what do we do about this girl?" The third person spoke while taking a u-turn and sending the car inside the narrow road. "She is a human with a special identity."

"What's so special about her?" The passenger man snorted as he glanced at my terrified face. "Prince Liam can find someone else. It's not like he had marked her or anything."

"But he displayed his affection for her at the party." The other man's voice sounded worried.

"I'm sure he was just trying to fool us. That man has simply been a cold face without any emotions. Don't you think it's more suspicious that he suddenly wanted to mate with a human?" The wind guy spoke carelessly.

Hearing that, my heart dropped into a pool of ice. Were these people also present at the party? How could that be? Only vampires and their mates were invited.

Suddenly a thought prompted in my head. They were not only present at the party but also had special powers such as this one guy.

Were these people from the les Rêveurs clan that Gramps mentioned?

In my confusion, I had forgotten to ask all about the clan's current status and the leader's identity to Gramps. And they didn't even care about my powers. That meant my mother hadn't told anyone about my supernatural powers.

"But now that we actually took the daughter of our previous leader, would we be punished?" The driver guy sounded worried again.

I frowned at that. The previous leader could either be my father or mother. I didn't know that. But I had planned to get as much information as I could from these men.

"You're asking such a funny question, Donald." The wind man laughed as Stewart joined him. "Don't you know who's our current leader?"

My stomach twisted into knots, hearing that. Who was the current leader? Why was I so stupid to avoid this question? I had the urge to knock the head of my past self.

"Oh yeah, the boss isn't from the royal family like this girl." Stewart pointed at me. "And our majestic leader even hates the royals." He gave me a look of pity. "I sympathize with this girl, really."

The wind guy rolled his eyes. "Let's decide how we will deal with her first."

"We'll throw her in a dungeon where the leader will deal with her. Now that the old man can die peacefully, we'll push the entire blame on her shoulders." Stewart smirked as his provoking gaze darted toward me. "I'm sure the boss would love to see her facing misery." He paused and licked his lips, displaying his fangs. "Or we can just suck her dry."

Fear gripped my heart at that. They didn't only want to kill Derrick but also willing to destroy the already fragile relationship between Liam and me. That was when a sentence flashed in my eyes that Derrick had spoken.

Do you want to unseal your powers?

That's right; I could unseal all my powers and get away from these people. From all the information I got, mother and father were supposed to be the most powerful Vampire magicians of all times. Wouldn't their girl be a powerful wizard too?

Thinking about the spell my Gramps had taught me earlier, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm myself. I couldn't mess it all. Now that I had decided to unseal my powers, I had to stay calm and accept the reality: I really wasn't a human!

I gritted my teeth as the spell whispered out of my lips, unheard by three people inside the car. Gramps had said that I had to speak out these spells thrice after calming myself. The energy vessels and veins should be free from all the fluctuations before speaking out these spells. It would open up the lock in my energy vessels, and the power inside me that was dormant for so many years would flood out of my body, bursting like a dangerous cyclone.

That was all I needed to get away from these people.

Thinking like this, I spoke the spell the third time as I felt coldness creeping down my spine as something flooded inside my body from the top of my head. I knew there was a crown chakra on my head that had the power to invite universal energy inside the body if it's opened. I had studied about Chakras in the library of my Grandpa as a kid.

The energy forcefully entered my body as I felt something unlocking itself in my energy vessels. I felt as if my body was alive again, filled with an unlimited amount of energy. So much power, in fact, that it leaked out of the energy veins throughout my limbs.

But what happened after that was not as I had expected. The energy circled around my body wildly. I had thought that after the awakening of my power, I would slip away. But who would've thought that my dormant power would become uncontrolled after being released from my body?

It rampaged around me, creating a disturbance. I didn't know what kind of faces the three people had made—perhaps surprised? But what I did know was that the car had made a sudden halt as screams of three men filled my ears. Blood splattered everywhere and it's smell filled my lungs. But for some reason, the smell of the blood didn't make me cringe. Instead, I took a sniff as its smell felt sweet to me. It was as if I had just smelt a pizza that was served right before me.

It wasn't until I heard an earth shattering scream that I woke up from my trance. My eyes widened at my own thoughts.

What the hell was I thinking? I was craving for blood? I shook my head.

Everything lasted before it went silent again.

That was when I opened my eyes. The color of my eyes had already changed to pure Violet. My hair grew longer and silkier, changing to violet in color.

I opened the door in a daze, not daring to look at the dead bodies' status.

I didn't want to accept the fact that I had just killed three powerful men from my parent's clan!

The only fact that I had accepted was that I was no longer human.

I didn't stop, though. Derrick was in trouble, but I didn't know anything about magic, and currently, my powers were leaking out of my body like boiling water that overflowed out of the pot. So I couldn't even use a phone to call the taxi.

Just as I thought about Derrick, anger burst inside my heart.

He was the father of Liam, and he had taken good care of me! Just who were these people to kill him right in front of my eyes? But before I could do anything, my surroundings changed automatically, and I was back from where I was kidnapped.

I was stunned for a moment. But then I remembered something Gramps told me. The most powerful witches and wizards wouldn't need spells to use their powers. Was I considered to be the most powerful witch? But I couldn't dwell on that for now.

I saw Derrick struggling to block the attack of the other vampire magician. Even though the vampires didn't have the powers of vampire magicians, but they were all super fast. That was how Derrick was able to save himself from the evil clutches of the man in black.

The black man bared his two fangs as he made another attack that unfortunately hit Derrick's vital spot. Blood flooded out of his shoulders as he fell on his knees.

They didn't seem to notice my arrival as my purple hair blew when a wave of electricity passed through my energy vessels, making my spine cold.

Raising my hand, I pointed my fingers toward the man in black who was about to use his lethal attack on Derrick, and sparkling energy flew out of my fingers, attacking the man. He jolted because of the impact as his confused face glanced toward me, only to widen his eyes in astonishment. But I wasn't focusing on his expression. I couldn't. All that was flowing in my body was rage and anger. I couldn't control my energy and almost felt like my powers were controlling me.

More electricity flew out of my hands as it landed a hit on the man in black. He was thrown at a distance, unconscious.

When I noticed Derrick staring at me with widened eyes, safe and sound, I relaxed. The energy inside me also softened as the color in my eyes changed back to blue. Even my hair turned black as my body fell on the road. My vision blurred. I could see a blurred form of Derrick walking toward me. I parted my lips to say something, but I felt too exhausted. It felt as if I had just run a marathon!

And just like that, my eyesight darkened. But I was frightened. I was terrified of who I might become if my powers were to control me like today.

Would Liam accept me after knowing what I had done today? That was the last thought I had before I fell unconscious.