Chapter 13

I stared at Liam in a daze, even forgetting the presence of his father. It was not until I heard a dry cough from someone behind Liam that I blinked and covered my face in embarrassment.

Damn it! Liam kissed me in front of his own father. Does he have no shame at all?

“Son, I would trouble you to help your partner for a while before going.”

I looked at him from the gap between my fingers. He glanced at his wrist watch briefly and nodded. Turning toward one of the bodyguards behind him, he whispered something in the other man’s ears, who quickly slipped out of the room. After that, he turned toward me and dragged me out while I still had my face covered by my hands. Luckily, I had snatched the magician’s book before heading out. Otherwise, I would have to come to Derrick’s room again and face that old man after that kiss.

I groaned after remembering the event again.

“Why did you have to do that before your father?” I whined.

“Do what?”

This man had the audacity to ask such a question in the broad daylight with an expressionless face! Anger flooded in my heart at that.

I turned my head to the other side, refusing to give Liam any face. What I didn’t know was a certain prince was thoroughly enjoying my reaction and even had a smile on the corners of his lips.

A while later, we reached the backyard of the palace filled with trees and shrubs everywhere. He released the hold on my hand and stood a distance away, gazing at me. “Use your power to open that book. You have three chances. If you fail, you'll receive punishment tonight.” He said in an imposing manner. “Start.”

My eyes widened at that. Punishment? He had just realized my identity, and he still dared to threaten me? Confidence swelled in my heart as I squinted my eyes at him. I walked toward him slowly and stood right before him. Raising my hands, I caressed his cheeks. “Aren’t you afraid that I’ll harm you?”

He didn’t say anything for a while and suddenly caught my hand and released his aura. As soon as he did, I felt an unknown energy pressing me down. My chest felt heavy as the energy continued circulating around me.

I stared at Liam with widened eyes. Vampires weren’t normal vampire magicians who had immense powers, but Liam’s energy seemed to be on the similar level to a magician. I didn’t know so many magicians in the first place, but I could compare his energy to myself. And the prince’s power of suppressing others seemed to be similar to mine.

How did he manage to acquire such a power? I tilted my head. Just as I parted my lips to ask about this, he interrupted me.

“You don’t have to worry about me Ms. Brown.” A smirk graced his lips. “I’m perfectly capable of holding you down even if you become a powerful vampire magician like your mother.”

I shouldn’t have been surprised by hearing that even Liam knew who my mother was, but I was shocked. Of course, he would realize who my mother was after hearing from Derrick. Before I could say anything about it, Liam stepped back and gestured the book in my hands. “Open it.”

My body continued to stand frozen on the ground until I heard his impatient calling again. I blinked and regained myself. Taking a deep breath, I released my energy once again. Back when Derrick was attacked, the spell I had uttered had released everything I had flowing inside my energy vessels, which even included that purple electrical power. I even subconsciously released it a while ago in Derrick’s room to open the book.

This time I was scared to release that power again. But when I let go of all the restrictions in my energy veins, the power stayed hidden inside me without any sign of flowing out. I furrowed my brows, focusing on the book in my hand. But no matter how much I tried, nothing happened. I had imagined my energy to thrash the trees and shrubs around me, but it didn’t.

“What are you doing? Didn’t I ask you to release your power?”

“I’m trying!” I gritted my teeth and continued to focus on the book, extending my energy toward it, but it didn’t budge.

“Release your power like before. What are you just staring at the book for?”

I wanted to hit him on his head. I was trying my best here to release the power without destroying anything, and here was the prince, trying to make me filled with rage.

Half an hour later, I exhausted all my mental power, but the power didn't leak out of my body. It was as if I had suddenly turned back to human. It was so tiring that I almost felt like I had dreamt myself becoming a superhuman before while subconsciously releasing my power twice.

Seeing my condition, Liam sighed and rubbed his forehead. "You're making me angry. Do you want to be punished?"

"I was really trying!" I felt wronged.

"Okay, let's try this." He pursed his lips and paused as if he was hesitating before speaking his thoughts. "Release your power just like you release your excreta in the toilet."

My face twisted into disgust. What kind of shitty example was that? Couldn't he just help me by demonstrating something that I could understand easily? I glared at him.

His expression turned awkward. "Okay let me explain the principles first." He licked his lips and continued. "Every soul, whether it is animal or human, has a dormant energy that stays hidden because of the covering of both your subtle and gross bodies. But when you rise spiritually, you unlock the lock placed on your energy and release it.”

“So I have to release this energy?”

He shook his head. "You have to release your power."

"What's the difference?" I really couldn't understand. Aren't those one and the same thing?

Liam looked at me as if he was seeing a fool. His gaze turned indifferent. "Energy is energy and power is power."

I frowned, still not understanding anything. It wasn't like I was dumb, I had a sharp mind, but this really was something out of the world. I had never learned about this before! But how could Liam be this impatient? Anger flooded in my heart at this.

"Can't you explain it to me easily?" I was dissatisfied with his behavior and didn't even look at him.


I glared at him for being indifferent like this. But before I could say something, his lips curved up to form a smirk. "Not until you give me something."

What can I give him? I tilted my head in confusion.

His gaze suddenly turned toward me and lingered on my face. "A kiss."

A trace of blush spread on my cheeks. "No." I said, averting my eyes.

"A French kiss."

I pursed my lips and ignored him. But his smile only widened. He parted his lips and said, "A french kiss while massaging my—"

"I'll kiss you!" I blurted out before he could talk about massaging. My face heated after hearing his flirting words. I didn't know this man was capable of talking like this.

"French kiss." He paused and frowned. "C'mon! I don't have all day."

I gritted my teeth and walked over to him in large strides. Craning my neck, I looked up at him and glared at his smirking face. Damn this vampire! He was still using this opportunity to get a kiss. He was simply unbelievable!

Seeing my angry expression, he smiled and tilted his head as if he was really confused. "Why aren't you doing anything? Do you want to stand here all day?"

I clenched my fist and said, "Close your eyes." After all this was the first time I was going to take an initiative. I couldn't let him see my embarrassing face.

"Why?" His smile was filled with amusement.

"There's no why! Just close it." I was blushing hard. I averted my eyes and pouted. Why did he have to make things difficult for me? I just wanted to learn about magic, but Liam was doing everything in his power to make me furious. "You just want to see me angry, don't you?"


I shut my mouth and pursed my lips, not moving an inch. Perhaps Liam knew that I needed time to raise my courage. Licking my lips, I let out a deep breath, but instead of calming down, my heartbeat increased. A bubble of anticipation rose higher in my heart as I stared at his chest covered with a white shirt.

Waves of goosebumps spread in my arms. I raised my hands and scooted closer to him. My head reached his chin, so if I have to kiss him, I'd have to stand on my tiptoes.

But I could hardly think about it. My heart was beating so loud that I felt like it would jump out of my chest. I gulped and slowly looked up to see him already staring down at me with a lingering glance.

His unblinking stare made my heart jump, and I quickly averted my eyes. Just then, a thumb rubbed my chin and forced me to look up. I met his scorching eyes filled with a touch of affection and lust.

I couldn't move. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't avert my eyes anymore. His affectionate gaze allured me to stare at him without blinking.

Just then, he leaned toward me and brushed his lips against mine, sending waves of pleasures to my heart. It almost felt like a feather had just tickled my lips. And that's when my sanity flew out of my head. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him deeply.

But Liam seemed to stand lazily without any thought of taking initiative this time. He didn't even open his mouth, let alone sticking his tongue inside me. But I was really excited this time. I didn't care if I'd be embarrassed. I pushed myself against him, gripping his shirt tightly as my tongue licked his lips and traced his teeth.

His hands went toward the back of my head, deepening the kiss. Our tongues danced as he continued to lick my lips. I felt my heart thudding loudly under my chest.

We continued to kiss until I was breathless. Our lips separated, and I gasped for breath. I could feel his hot breath fanning my face. But before I could relax on his shoulders, he pulled my head back and kissed again, and this time, it had a touch of roughness that made my heart race.

When I was completely unable to move a muscle and breathless, he let me go with a satisfied smile. My ears were red by the time I got back to the position I was before our kissing session.

"Now will you explain it to me?"

"Sure." He looked in a good mood. “It’s a transformed version of energy."

I was confused. I looked at him with innocent eyes, asking for an answer.

“It’s like how the sexual energy of a man can be transformed into semen after the intercourse.” He said with an expressionless face as if he was some kind of biology professor.

It took me a while before I could understand what he really meant. And when I did, my face went red in embarrassment. I averted my eyes and pursed my lips. How could this guy say something like this without any emotions on his face? What kind of stupid explanation what that?

But he ignored my expressions and continued.

"Even vampires have that energy hidden inside, but unfortunately, it can only be transformed into one single power. Whereas a magician needs spells that transform the energy into several different powers." Then he thought of something and asked, "That purple thing isn't power, but actually energy. It's the highest level of power one can have. Generally magicians need to work hard to use that energy as a transformed weapon." Liam frowned. "But why does it seem like your power is already on the highest level just as you unsealed?"

I was shocked after hearing that the purple thing inside my body wasn't power but energy. Then how the hell did I hurt so many people with just my energy? I had thought that you would need a weapon of anything in general to kill someone. My brows furrowed as the confusion in my heart grew stronger. "If that purple thing isn't my power but energy, how did I end up killing three people and hurt the old king a while ago?"

"You are just an infant in the world of vampires and magic. When a person gets immense power suddenly, he or she would be unable to stop from going on a rampage. That's what happened to you too. Just remind yourself of what you felt when you had released your power just now. Don't worry about going on a rampage. I'll suppress you." Then he looked at me with a smug smile. "Otherwise, I'll punish you tonight. You have already lost one chance."

When did I lose?!? I glared at him angrily. I wasn't ready to use my power. I didn't even know how to use my power without going on a rampage!

"Should I practice now?" I didn't want to hear any weird explanations. Even though he explained clearly, I knew this guy was itching to say something vulgar again.

His face revealed a satisfied expression as he nodded and gestured to me to continue. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and focused on my breath as I did back in Derrick’s room.

Breath escaped from my lips as I opened my eyes again that turned into purple. Electricity danced around me. But before it could go on a rampage, I felt another energy trying to suppress my power, and stop me from destroying the entire garden. Slowly, the electrical energy reached the book as it jerked in the air and fell on the ground with a thump.

The voice brought me back to reality and turned my eye color blue as before. To my surprise, the words written on the book cover changed. It read ‘les Rêveurs handbook.’

My eyes widened at that. So that was how it was! Those words weren’t just designs made out of circles, but actual words that needed the clan’s magic to read!

“I can actually read it now!”

Liam raised his brows. “You can?” He asked as if he didn’t believe me.

I nodded hurriedly and opened the book, flipping one page after another. Starting from preface, which didn't really have any meaningful words, the first few Chapters covered basics while the other Chapters contained advanced level usage of magical power.

Seeing everything, my eyes sparkled as I hugged the book tightly in happiness. This was exactly what I wanted!

When Liam saw that I was busy reading the book, he didn’t say anything. He just stared at me for a while with his lingering glance and left. I didn’t know where he went and when he would be back, but I was too excited to focus on him anymore. This was the first time in a few hours that I felt happy from the heart despite knowing my identity.

When I read the book, I found out crucial information about my power. Every magician would have different levels of purple power. The white color determines the lowest level whereas the darkest purple, which was currently inside me, was the highest. But no matter what level it was, if the power and vampiric instincts were sealed and released all of a sudden, the vampire magician would go on a rampage even without uttering a spell just by titillating the energy a bit.

After reading this, I was stupefied. No wonder I would start attacking everyone despite doing my best to control.

My eyes were glued to the book as I continued to read for half an hour. After that, I more or less understood how to control myself from going on a rampage.

It turns out, I had to utter spells to transform my energy into powerful weapons. For instance, I could either use them for suppressing someone just like Liam, or I could flash an arrow to kill anyone just like how someone had killed the driver back then.

I shuddered at the memory of the night I had unlocked my power. I could still remember the chilling time when blood had splashed on my face when someone had killed the driver with an electric arrow.

But there was also a spell to protect one's energy from going on a rampage. As soon as I saw this, my eyes widened.

Why didn't I see this before? I had been wasting my entire time just going through the book! I ignored all the spells and first started practicing the calming spell that could relieve me from going out of control.

After practicing for a while, I was able to control the flow of my power. That meant I wouldn’t be destroying my surroundings whenever I used my power from now on. I let out a sigh in relief at that. I looked at the sky only to see reddish orange paint on the hemisphere. Birds chirped loudly, making the atmosphere lively.

My stomach growled as the corners of my lips twitched. I had been so engrossed in practicing that I even forgot to have lunch.

Just as I took a few steps to walk toward the palace, an unknown suppressing energy spread across the backyard, making me stunned. I pulled up the heavy legs with difficulty and placed one step ahead, wiping the perspiration from my forehead. Just one step was enough to make me sweat out of exertion. My breathing increased.

As the suppressing energy continued to pressure me, I felt my body weak. It was as if something heavy was thrown on my head. I dropped down my knees, pressing my hands on my chest.

Was it another vampire? The suppressing energy felt almost similar to Liam, but more powerful. I narrowed my eyes at that. Wasn't Liam the most powerful vampire? I had thought that there won't be anyone more powerful than him. Was I wrong to come to that conclusion?

But I couldn't think anymore as the suppressing power increased, making me fall on the ground. Blood slipped out of my mouth as I coughed a few times. Just who was this person? My vision was blurry as I felt a power pressing my chest, wanting to kill me.

Why didn’t I practice more? I would have learnt the art to fight against such a suppressing power! But I did read a basic blocking spell that could at least make me breath normally. Even though I couldn't practice it, I still understood that as long as I uttered the spell, it would have at least a 5% effect. I closed my eyes and whispered the spell under my breath.

Gritting my teeth, I released my power to block the attack. Just as my eyes turned purple, I heard a familiar chuckle behind me. My heart thumped against my chest.

What was George doing here? Liam wasn’t at home, and Derrick was sick, especially after the attack that happened yesterday. What do I do? Where were all the bodyguards when I needed them?

While I was trying to search for a way out of the situation anxiously, the footsteps neared making me sweat profusely out of nervousness.

“A little bird told me that someone suddenly became a vampire witch.” He paused and stepped before me. I could only see his black shoes that shone because of sunlight. “At first I thought it was a joke, but you really do amuse me.”

His dark voice sent a chill down my spine. I parted my lips and closed without uttering a single word. What could I say? I already had millions of thoughts swirling in my head.

How did he know about yesterday’s events? How did he find me? Weren’t there any bodyguards to protect the palace? I had thought that George was connected to the British king. But today, he suddenly found out about the death of a few members from les Rêveurs clan! Did he have spies among Liam?

My heart beat increased even thinking about it. I had to talk to the prince about it. But what do I do now?

But Liam wasn’t even at the palace! Who’s going to save me now?

I licked my dry lips and asked, “What do you want?”

For a moment, there was a pin drop silence. Except for the sound of my heart beat, I couldn’t hear anything. A gust of wind blew my hair on my face, but my hands were too tired to move my hair away.

“I want to tell everyone that there’s a little witch among vampires who killed three vampires ruthlessly. Not even their limbs could be identified at the scene of the crime. I wonder how the american vampire committee will react.” Then he laughed and walked around me. Taking a strand of hair, he sniffed making me tremble. It was just like the first time he saw me. “Should I tie you in the conference hall and make you confess? Or should I ask your precious little sister to make that confession for you?”

My pupils shrank hearing Lucy’s name. This evil man was threatening me by taking Lucy’s name! I took a few shaky breaths, but fear didn’t subside. My heartbeat only increased after thinking of all the things George could do and I instantly blurted out. “No! She doesn’t know anything!”

That was when I registered what I had just said. I had just admitted to the fact that I was really a vampire witch. My limbs trembled as tears formed in my eyes.

Before I could say anything, I heard his dark chuckle as he walked and stood before me, raising my head to face him. “It’s such a pity that he saw you before me. We could have lived such a happy life.”

A chill was sent on my spine hearing that. I was really lucky that Liam chose me. If I were to fall in the hands of this madman, I would have jumped off of a building than to be forced into submission. Then a sense of guilt washed over me thinking of my sister. This man clearly wanted to get me, but ended up with my sister just so that he could get back at Liam. I wondered how much Lucy had to suffer back at that grey palace. It looked gloomier than a graveyard. A wave of depression washed over my heart making me feel sadder. I had to save my sister no matter what! I had to find a way to keep her alive even if I cost my life!

Clenching my jaw, I said, “Don’t touch my sister.” Hidden meaning of my sentence was that I was ready for anything as long as he let her live.

Fortunately, George was’t that fool. He understood my meaning and flashed a grin. “Good girl.”