Chapter 15

Derrick stood before me, blocking the door. His face had turned red in anger as he stared at George's face.

My eyes lit up seeing a familiar face. I suddenly felt a wave of relief washing over my heart.

But then I noticed Derrick's exhaustion. He was breathing heavily as sweat drops formed on his forehead. But he didn't even raise his hands to wipe. He continued to fume in anger.

My eyes stung as tears threatened to spill out. Derrick was clearly suffering, but he still didn't forget to find me in the face of danger. Who said the vampire king of America was cruel? I could see a soft heart inside his chest.

But before I could open my mouth to say something, George scoffed. "How delightful! I was just waiting for you to leave the protection of your palace."

"Shut up!" Then Derrick's eyes glanced at me and softened a bit. "Give her back."


"I didn't ask your permission!" My future father-in-law walked over and stood before me, grabbing my tied hands. "I'm taking her by hook or crook."

George laughed maniacally, throwing his head back.

I flinched at his sudden laughter. It made me feel that the madman had turned even madder! His sound couldn't help but send a shiver down my spine.

"You guys are so funny." He said, wiping the traces of tears from the corner of his eyes. "You are soon going to be turned into a dead body, and yet, you're trying to amuse me. How flattering!"

I shuddered at his words. For some reason, I was suddenly reminded of those movies with jokers as villains. I used to like those villains who would make everything difficult for the protagonists in a novel. But when I was actually able to encounter such a person in real life, I couldn't help but tremble in fear.

"Old king, why don't you just die?"

Derrick's pupils shrank hearing those words. He tightened his fist in anger and glared at George. "I'm done with you. You sneaky villain trying to hide in the shadows and create havoc. Who are you trying to fool?"

"I wasn't fooling you old man." George wasn't even keeping a pretense to act like Derrick's subordinate. I could see George's fake sadness as he tried to hold in his laughter. "I truly wanted justice."

Derrick was so angry that his face couldn't get any redder. I felt bad for him suddenly and I tugged his sleeves to get his attention and shook my head, gesturing for him to let me go. I moved my lips to mouth a few words. 'It's okay.'

Seeing my expressions, I saw Derrick pursing his lips as a wave of helplessness washed over his face. Then his expression grew serious as he turned toward George. "Today, you'll take her away over my dead body!"

George was silent for a moment. Then a string of laughter escaped his lips. "I didn't want to kill two people today." He shrugged and gestured to his men standing at the back. "Take him away. I'll see him after dealing with this girl."

Derrick was still suffering from his health issues that had flared up because of the surprise attack in the car yesterday. And now when he had to run all the way to the council, he was already exhausted to the extreme. It wasn't difficult for the men around me to hold Derrick down.

Seeing his face helplessly pressed against the ground, I couldn't move. Tears formed in my eyes as I looked at his sorry figure. My throat choked a sob as I continued to look at him, trying to think of a way to save this old man. But no matter what I thought nothing came up. My mind was just blank and I couldn't help but remember Liam.

First, I had been cold to him in the past because of my biases against the vampires. Then, I slowly grew closer to him emotionally after spending many nights in a row with him. Before the life and death situation, I hadn't realised that I was emotionally depending on him so much that he had come in my mind even before Lucy!

I bitter laughter escaped my lips at this thought. Wasn't it too late to realize that I had started loving him? Wasn't that why I wanted to help reduce the misunderstandings between him and his father?

It was too late. I was going to die.

But I wished I could tell him about my feelings.

I didn't even realize when I was shoved inside the car.

I woke up from a daze and looked back at the building. At least I could try and save the old man for Liam. Otherwise he would be all alone in the future.

Parting my lips, I begged, "I'm willing to do anything, can you just leave him alone?"

Amusement flashed in George's eyes as he looked back from the passenger seat. "You're already going to die, but you still want to serve me?"

Gnashing my jaw, I nodded.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at me for a while before chuckling. "Alright, as you wish. I'll fulfil your last wish." He said the last few words ambiguously, making me shudder in disgust.

A wave of nausea washed over me as I gritted my teeth to force it back. I took multiple breaths to control my tears that threatened to spill from the corner of my eyes. Turning my head to the side, I hid my expressions from George.

But tears wouldn't stop. I wanted to kick myself for saying I would serve George one last time to save Derrick's life. But did I have any choice?

I wanted to do this for Liam. I was going to die anyway, but at least I wanted him to have a better future.

I hoped he could forgive me for this.

An hour later, I found myself lying on the bed of some hotel room. My hands were tied up on the headboard as legs were open, tied individually on the legs of the bed. A shiver sent down my spine as air blew in the room through the opened windows, but I was already half naked, in my undergarments.

George stood a few feet away from the door, loosening his tie.

I couldn't hide the urge to vomit right there.

I should've known what he meant by fulfilling my last wish. He wanted to bed me! My face contorted at that as I glared at him with all my heart.

"Keep glaring, and I'll make sure your last time is more pain than death."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, refusing to look at him.

After throwing his blazer and tie in the floor, he slowly made his way toward me. Seeing the smile on his lips, I couldn't help but struggle. But no matter how much I wanted to use my power, I was helpless against him. These ropes were powerful enough to bind me, making me feel like I was back to being a human.

Fear embraced my heart as my face paled. George had just decided to sit on the bed when there was a knock on the door. He grunted and his face turned red in anger.

"I told them not to disturb me!"

He left the bedroom, fuming. Letting out a sigh in relief, I craned my neck to try and see who was at the door. Perhaps it was someone mortal? I could ask someone for help if possible.

Before I could open my mouth to scream for help, George yelled at the man. "What do you mean she disappeared?"

Who disappeared?

Suddenly my thoughts went back to Lucy. Did she disappear? Was he talking about her? Anxiety gripped my heart as I struggled to untie myself. But I was left with exhaustion, not freedom.

The other man uttered something and in response, George threw something on the floor and cursed. Without returning back to the bedroom, he cursed again and left, closing the front door with a thud.

I had complex feelings right now. At one point, I was feeling relief but on the other hand, I was anxious for my sister.

Did she disappear?

I couldn't just wait and see George bully her! I struggled and tried to untie the rope. Stretching my hand, I tugged until there were red rashes on my wrist. But before I could do anything more, I heard a shuffling sound from the bathroom.

I snapped my eyesight toward the closed bathroom door. Footsteps echoed in my ears as they came near and the doorknob turned. My heartbeat sped up.

Who was it? Another vampire?

I couldn't help but feel scared.

Just when I thought I was doomed, the door opened, revealing a small form of Lucy.

All of a sudden, all of my fear and anxiety drifted out of the window as tears dropped from my eyes, scrolling down my cheeks.

"Lucy! What're you doing here?"

"I came to save you, of course," she said and made her way toward me, walking timidly.

Never in the world had I thought that Lucy would be the one to save me. She was timid in nature, and she would rather sit and agree to the bully than go against someone. The fact that she actually came to save me was enough to show how much she values me.

My lower lips quivered as a small 'thanks' escaped my lips when she untied the ropes in my hand.

After freeing me, she walked back and threw my clothes at me. "We're leaving. Hurry!"

I nodded and wore the pants before going for my top. "How do you know I was here?" Wherever the hell this place was.

Lucy ran back to see the corridor outside the front door and came back swiftly. "We have to hurry! I'll tell you later."

I had no choice but to fix my dress before nodding. "Let's go then."

We both sneaked out of the hotel room and used stairs. George could still be in the elevator. It would be better for us to use the stairs.

After twenty minutes, we found ourselves in the car, exhausted to the extreme. I looked at Lucy's pale face. Drops of sweat rolled down her temples, but she kept her vigilance high, glancing at every corner on the road before relaxing.

My expressions softened and I hugged her. Tears rolled down my face as I sobbed loudly. Certainly, only family members will come in handy during difficulties.

She patted my back gently. "It's okay. He won't come back."

"How did you know I was here?"

"A few hours ago," Lucy paused and rested back on her seat, looking at the road outside the window as the car passed by many people. "I heard him talking to someone on the phone. He said something about killing vampires and awakening or something. I had ignored all of it at first, but then, he said your name."

I opened my mouth to say something, but paused. What could I say? I was a monster like George? Or should I say that I was a freak?

How will she react after knowing about my identity? Will she be frightened? Will she believe me?

Suddenly I remembered how my Gramps asked me not to share anything with Lucy. How could I not? She's my sister! I had shared practically everything with her! How could I not share such a big thing?

But I didn't tell her anything. I didn't want her to be involved in such a messy political drama. Pursing my lips, I shook my head. "I don't know why he's after me even to the point of framing me for no reason."

I nervously fidgeted my fingers after saying that. This was the first time I had hid something from Lucy, and my guilt level was high enough.

Lucy didn't say anything just kept looking out of the window.

Seeing the chance, I wanted to ask her about what happened to her after she was chosen by George. It would change the topic anyway and I wouldn't have to feel guilty.

"Lucy, are you alright?"

Her body stiffened at my question. She pursed her lips, but didn't reply.

Why wasn't she replying? Did she have to suffer too much? The silent she was, the nervous I became on the inside. "Why aren't you answering?" My voice cracked due to how nervous I was.

Lucy sighed and shook her head. "I just wanted to make sure that you're alright. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to you."

"But why?" I tugged her sleeves. "Why don't you let me see you?"

"And send you in the mouth of danger?" Lucy snapped back as her breathing went erratic. Her chest heaved up and down.

Although I knew why she had sent me a message back then from Daleri that I shouldn't see her anymore, Lucy's words still made me feel pained. My sister was facing all the atrocities just so that I can live a normal life. Tears formed in my eyes all over again.

"Lucy, we are siblings. We-" I choked because of intense emotions and took a deep breath. "-if not me, then who's going to help you? Who's going to share all the burdens? Gramps is already old enough. If not me, then will George share all your burdens?" I sneered when I took his name.


"I don't want to hear excuses. If there's anything that you can't bear, you know where to find me." I saw a smile on her face as she nodded making me feel relieved. Seeing her face, I rested back on the seat thinking over whatever I had said to her. I was right. If not us siblings, then who's going to listen to me? Maybe I should tell her about my identity.

Just as I opened my mouth to reveal the truth, the car stopped. "Huh? Why did we stop?" The words changed automatically, and I looked outside the window, frowning.

A black car stopped before us, stopping the taxi from advancing further. At that time, I couldn't help but feel relieved for this interruption. I didn't know why I was being compelled to reveal my identity to my sister when Gramps clearly told me not to do so. Thank goodness! But before I could rejoice further, something happened that sucked out happiness from my heart, replacing it with fear.

Sure enough, what I feared the most happened the second time today. A few men in black came out, followed by a grim looking George.

I sucked in a sharp breath. This isn't possible. George shouldn't be here! Wasn't he searching for someone who had suddenly disappeared?

A thought flashed in my mind like lightning making me gasp in surprise. Was this man searching for Lucy? How did she even escape?

I turned toward Lucy only to see her trembling form pressed against me. "N-No! How did he find me? I had covered my tracks!"

"There you are." George said, opening the door. He smiled at Lucy before grabbing her arms roughly. "You have caused me so much pain my dear. Aren't you going to compensate me?"

Hearing that voice, Lucy trembled.

Anger bloomed in my heart as I snatched her arms back and glared at George. "Don't touch her!"

George laughed. "Don't you think you're too late to say that?" Then he turned toward my sister. "Tell her darling, tell her everything we did last night on the bed." He went near her head and sniffed. "Tell her how you opened your legs and begged me to-"

"Shut up!" My anger had flared to the highest degree. How dare he? Lucy was already suffering, and now George was even trying to make it worse. Lucy's trembling worsened hearing George's voice. "George, yo-you can do anything, just leave my sister alone."

The vile man chuckled at that and looked at me in amusement. "Tell her Emily the crime you committed. I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just punishing a criminal."

The color from my face drained. Lucy can't know about the fact that I killed three vampires!

But before I could say anything in my defence, my sister got angry for the first time despite being afraid. "George, I'm not listening to your excuses. Emily is my sister! Do you think I'm going to believe you or her?"

Warmth flooded in my heart at that. Sure enough, she's almost like my mother, trying to protect me despite knowing that I might have done something.

Seeing Lucy's response, George looked frustrated. He dragged Lucy out. "I'll deal with you later." And he threw her toward his men, who held her arms. Then he turned toward me and smiled. "You have missed your chance of fulfilling your last wish. Now I want nothing more than to kill you."

My eyes automatically flashed and turned purple. This time, I was so angry that my powers automatically turned on without having to do breathing exercises. It was as if my anger triggered it, and I couldn't do anything about it.

I didn't want to use my powers and reveal myself in front of my sister, but I didn't have any choice.

But before anything could happen, I saw George being thrown aside with a blasting kick as a familiar suppressing aura spread in all directions, calming my mind. Slowly, the purple flashes disappeared as I stared at Liam's angry form in shock.

Wasn't he away to find his spies? What was he doing here?

His face was darker than night as he stared at George like a dead fish flipping and flapping on the ground. I didn't know what this guy was doing here, but I couldn't help but be glad of his heroic entry.

He came just in time when my identity was going to be exposed in front of my sister. Relief washed over my heart thinking that.