Chapter 17

I never thought I'd ever be surprised in my life after knowing my identity. But time proved me wrong. This time, I was similarly surprised. In fact, if I wasn't sitting on the passenger seat, I would have fallen on the ground in shock.

This lady behind me was my Gramps' ex girlfriend?!? And she even looked like a young college girl!

I stared at her in shock for a long time before reacting. "Yo-you're his ex girlfriend…" Wait, Gramps had told me about a certain vampire earlier. Stunned, I looked at her and asked, "Are you that vampire who would watch Gramps working from the street almost everyday but didn't dare to approach?"

"How do you know?" It was her time to be shocked. Then realization dawned on her and a relieved smile formed on her lips. "Your Grandpa told you?"

I nodded and looked at her with shining eyes. She knew my Grandpa from his youthful days! How wonderful was that! But why didn't they marry?

"I remember he told me this story, and he looked sad. Unfortunately, he didn't reveal anything about why he couldn't be with you back then." I thought for a moment and said, "If you two were so close to each other, then why didn't you marry him?"

"It's a complicated story…" She rested back on her seat and gazed out of the window. "We vampire magicians weren't allowed to reveal ourselves in front of humans, but I had to fall in love with a human. I had kept my relationship with him hidden at that time, not letting him know about my real identity. But then," She sighed. "But then they found out and forcefully separated us. They removed me from his memory, and inserted my human sister in my place."

I gasped in surprise. Magicians can also do that? They were capable of changing memories? A chill sent down my spine at that. Wait, doesn't that mean Granny, who had died at the age of 30, was this lady's sister?

"Back then, your Grandpa didn't know about the existence of witches and wizards. Only Vampires were there. It wasn't until your father was born that he was forced to know more about the magicians and that's when his memory was also given back by the magician officials back then." The lady chuckled. "He searched for me everywhere, but I stayed hidden for the sake of my sister. I didn't want to ruin the happiness of a married couple." She pursed her lips and continued to look at the street outside the window. "So I just quietly hid myself in my house until the second vampire's war commenced."

Again with the second world war? I was curious about this war and what happened to all the vampire magicians after that. I especially wanted to know more because my parents were supposedly involved. And I had a hunch that they died because of this war!

But the lady didn't want to share this yet. She sighed and said, "I never contacted you guys since you were all humans. I'd partially see your mother though." She paused and smiled. "She was a great leader, but made many wrong decisions." After saying this, the lady looked outside the window in a daze as if she was thinking about a painful memory.

"Wrong decisions?" Wait, did she just say my mother was the leader? Finally, I could clarify this big doubt about who was the previous leader of the clan.

She snapped out of her thoughts after hearing my query and smiled at me warmly. "The point is that I regret not seeing you before. Had I known that you are a vampire witch, I would have met your Grandpa already."

The entire drive went in silence while I was busy looking out of the window and digesting the information she had provided me just now.

It was already evening by the time we reached the palace. After bidding us good-bye, Liam fled from the scene without looking at me twice. My lips curved up in amusement seeing his back. Seemed like this cold guy was still embarrassed about what he had said to me back then.

I yawned and stretched myself as I entered the corridor on the first floor where my room was situated. Seeing my lazy posture, the vampire witch snickered. "Is this how a queen should act?"

I stumbled on my way hearing her sudden comment and looked at her in surprise. I didn't know this lady was capable of criticizing someone. On the surface, she looked like a pure hearted woman. But the fact that she could say something like that without even an ounce of guilt made me surprised.

And a queen?!? When did Liam confirm that yet?

No, it's not possible. That guy had just confessed accidentally. Why would he fast-forward and decide to get married without asking me once?

I tilted my head in confusion.

Seeing my bewildered form, the lady flashed a grin. "That's right, you're going to be a queen! Your prince announced it today to the American vampires' social media platform."

My eyes widened at that.

How could he do this? How could he just announce something so serious about my life without asking me once?

My face turned red in anger. I wanted to turn back and confront Liam right this instant! A married couple should at least discuss before making a decision. But this guy would always give me surprises!

But the vampire witch didn't see the changes in my expression. She continued to blabber about how a queen should act and how I would soon become a queen, so I should keep my image in mind. "You see, a queen is a domineering title meant to terrify the subordinates into submission. If not, the queen should at least be able to act as a leader so that the subordinates can respect her. But seeing how you act," She paused and scanned my body before sending me a displeased glance. "You don't even act like a queen's servant."

I clenched my jaw at that. HOW COULD SHE SAY THAT? I glared at her from the corner of my eyes and ignored her words, fastening my pace toward my room. Before turning toward one corner, I opened an empty room. "This is your room." I was thinking of giving her a room beside me, but hearing her sudden words filled with criticism, I changed my mind. I didn't want to stay near someone who was a topper in criticism.

She seemed to notice my resentment, but didn't say anything and silently walked inside the room. Before shutting the door, she said in a warning tone, "Remember to wake up at 5 in the morning tomorrow. If not, I'll punish you severely. I'm not your grandfather who would simply let you do whatever you want. I was supposed to be your grandmother, so I'll act like one." And then, she shut the door right at my face.

The resentment in my heart vanished when I heard the word grandmother. That's right. If not for their crazy rules, she would have become my grandmother.

I take my words back. That lady irritates me thoroughly. I didn't even know her name, and she was successful in making me angry to the point of exploding.

Early in the morning, I didn't wake up despite turning on the alarm, but who would have thought that the lady hitler would March in my room despite Daleri holding her back. After entering, she poured a bucket full of cold water on my head.

I was woken up from my sleep because of the freezing cold! And she even turned on the AC to make it even worse!

Did she resent me because I was granddaughter of her sister? I was starting to feel like she did!

I was coughing and sneezing by the time I made it to the backyard.

The lady stood in the middle of a round platform surrounded by vines and chairs. But that wasn't I was focusing on at that moment. My eyes were stuck to a familiar book of magic that floated in the air. I stared at it with widened eyes. I never thought magic could be used this way!

In an instant, all my resentment flew out of the window as I continued to stare at the flying book, trying to come up with a logical explanation. "How's this book flying?" The words blurted out even before I could think twice.

"You haven't read this book yet?" She sounded surprised.

"I did." I scratched my head, feeling embarrassed. "But only read the basics."

"Flying things using your power is a basic activity!" She roared in anger. "What the hell were you doing?"

I blushed in embarrassment. Should I tell her that I had skipped the majority of the basics only to find a way to control my overflowing power?

She took a deep breath and rubbed her forehead. "Let's start from the basics then."

I bit my lips and nodded. Suddenly remembering something, I raised my hand and asked, "Before we start, can I ask you something?" She raised her eyebrows. "What's your name?"

The surroundings became silent. Only chirping of birds could be heard in the background. She narrowed her eyes at me and sighed, shaking her head. A smile formed on her lips as she suddenly transformed into a living mother. "I didn't tell you this? I'm so sorry. Let's introduce ourselves before I teach you magic." Then she patted her chest proudly. "You can call me Granny since I was your Grandpa's ex, but my name is Olivia Smith."

Olivia looked specifically opposite to how she had been a few moments ago. Criticism was at the tip of her tongue, and now, she looked like a mother who was willingly indulging her child into eating chocolates. How could there be such a big contrast in her personality? Was she suffering from multiple personality disorder?

I had many questions, but I didn't dare to voice it all out. I feared that if I uttered even a single word of what I was thinking, this supposed Granny would spend the entire day scolding me.

I sighed and flashed a forced smile. "Can we start, Granny?" I forced out the last word through my gritted teeth.

Her expressions changed and became serious. It was amazing how instantly she can change her face depending on the situation. It made me feel as if her past cheerful self was more like a fake picture she wanted to show.

I shook my head and cleared my mind by throwing away those foolish thoughts to focus on what she was saying.

And my first task was to lift the book in the air just like her.

After an hour of practicing, I was finally able to cast the spell using my magic. Sparks flew around the book and it shook on the ground. Dust rose in the air because of the power that circulated the book like a volcano, but no matter how much energy I used furrowing my eyebrows, the book remained still. Instead of periodic shaking, it didn't move an inch.

My forehead sweated profusely as I wiped it with the back of my hands. Exhausted, I took a few deep breaths keeping my hands on my knees. I glared at the book on the ground. "I quit."

The moment these two words slipped out of my mouth, Olivia got angry. She held my shoulders and forced me to look at her. "You quit? How come you don't have a single bit of your parents' personalities? They were diligent! Even though I never spent time with them, I knew what they were like! They worked hard to achieve their goals! And you?" She stared at me with a disdainful gaze. "In the face of danger when George can attack you any minute, you would rather choose to quit than learn how to protect yourself! Be serious in life, will you?"

Her words stunned me. I stood frozen on the spot, seeing her angry face turning red. I could even imagine smoke coming out of her ears and nose. That's how angry she was! But her words made sense.

I rubbed my nose guiltily and averted my eyes. "I'm sorry."

Seeing my sincere reply, Olivia and took a deep breath. "Look Emily, I know it's hard, but you can't give up. Whether you want to or not, others already have their eyes on you. And now, you're going to be a queen!" She paused and patted my head affectionately. "I'm telling you this for your own benefit. Learn, because your enemies aren't going to wait for you."

Pursing my lips, I nodded. I knew what she said was right. To protect myself, my sister, Derrick, and even Liam, I would have to be one powerful. The enemies lurked in the shadows, ready to attack any time. I would have to be ready.

"Speaking of which, let me warn you about something." Olivia's gaze was sharp as she stared at my face. "No matter what happens, don't trust George or anyone related to him. Don't share your secrets with them."

I nodded seriously. Why would I do that? Except my sister, there's no one I would talk to.

Olivia seemed to see through my thoughts, making her face even darker. "I mean it Emily. Even if there's someone you used to trust, don't share your secrets anymore. George has eyes and ears everywhere except this palace." What she meant was I shouldn't contact Lucy anymore. This thought itself irritated me the most. We were blood sisters! But why did everyone around me want to separate us?

"Here me out first." Olivia said before I could get angry. "I know George took someone you care about, but if you continue to find her, things would get even more dangerous for her. She could even die! Is that what you want?"

I lowered my head, trying to stop myself from choking. Emotions surged in my heart as I imagined Lucy dying in the hands of George. Silently, I said in a hoarse voice, "No."

"So wouldn't it be a better thing to keep her away from all the political mess?"

I nodded, rubbing my moistened eyes.

"Good." Then Olivia looked up at the sky in a daze. "It's better of your sister to become a wife troubled by her violent husband rather than a sister of a vampire witch who is banned among the American Vampires association." Then she looked at me and smiled. "That's how I was able to stay alive even at this place. My identity was hidden for many decades. Learn this skill, and you'll be able to save your dearmost people."

"Can you tell me more about the enemies that are after me? And what's up with those people dressing in black colored clothes?"

Olivia rubbed her chin and started explaining everything in a great detail. After the second war, many American Vampires were killed, resulting in reduction in population. So much so that America was nearly deprived of vampires. Now the majority of vampires lived in Great Britain, including vampire magicians.

The entire vampires and magicians of Britain divided into two factions, Normal residents, and hunters. Obviously, the British king was one of the topmost members of this hunter group, wanting to kill off the American Vampires. And his goal coincided with that of George's, wanting the American throne. Both the sides came together and formed a group: the hunters.

But the normal British residents had another leader who was sane enough to go against unreasonable actions of his father: his son, John. But it was an unfortunate fact that this son of his didn't have much authority. So other than handling residents, he couldn't do a damn thing about the hunters.

"Wait, why haven't I heard about it?" This confused me. Derrick never told me everything in such a detail. He only said what was necessary. Was he afraid that I would take sides?

"That's because you weren't ready, but now, I feel like you should know this even if you aren't ready."

Then Olivia continued to explain. The hunters made a separate organization who would only wear black colored clothes in the public. You would even see women wearing black.

I thought about it and frowned. I had heard that Barbara and George were connected, wanting the American throne. So she must also be one of the members of this hunter group, right? But why wasn't she wearing any black clothes back then? I couldn't figure it out.

I asked my query and Olivia's expression became thunderous. It was evident that she hated Barbara. Taking a deep breath, she continued to explain. "That's because she's different. She acts like an undercover agent for her father. So she is never allowed to wear black clothes. When she was here, she was an undercover agent, wanting to kill off Liam."

"That means, no one knows that she belongs to the hunter organisation?" I asked innocently.

Olivia shook her head. "We only know this because Derrick was involved in making decisions, and Liam's spies gave information. It didn't take time before you figured it out."

"Be aware of them." Her expressions became grave after this. "No one knows who's the leader. At first, we had thought that it must be the British king himself, but later the spy heard him speaking to some leader on the phone." Then she sighed as a depressed expression covered her face. "What we do know is that many vampire magicians are also part of the hunter's group along with normal vampires." She certainly didn't like the fact that her own clan was involved in such a mess, and she can't do anything about it.