What was Lucy doing here? I stared at her in a daze. Wasn't the lady boss falling on the ground and hit by a sudden sharp object? Then why did my sister take her place all of a sudden?! Why was Lucy wearing those long robes of Lilith's?
Millions of questions swirled inside my head as I stared at this girl curled up on the ground. I could even feel Liam's steps pausing as he stared at this girl in shock. Then he walked over to me with his staggering steps supported by the sword in his hand. After that, he threw the sword and took the baby, who was still sleeping amid all the mess around us, and stood a little away from me and Lucy.
Did he have an intuition that a storm was brewing within my heart? He could probably tell that my powers were burning my entire body. Suddenly, my shoulders relaxed at that. At least my daughter could be alive even if I die tonight.