
I came back from the trip when it was already the 28th day of meeting Vampire. We had separated at the bridge as usual and went off to our homes individually. Since it was the first time we both had taken a vacation together, Vampire took a few days leave and spent his entire time with me.

So at night, we would be in the hotel room and during the day, we would go out and enjoy ourselves. But now when I was supposed to separate from Vampire, I felt reluctant. I glanced at his receding back, and suppressed the urge to rush back to him and hug him tightly.

Turning toward the road, I sighed and continued to walk toward my dull house.

As soon as I opened the door to my house, I found someone already sitting in the front room, sucking the air from the cigarette. When I came back, my husband glanced at me indifferently and put the cigarette away, walking toward the guest room. He shut off the room completely, not even trying to show me his face.