Chapter 34: MOVIE NIGHT

Bella’s POV

“Which genre do you guys want to watch ?”, I yelled as I shuffled through the amazing collection of Kai’s DVDs.

“EROTICA !!!”, the two shameless assholes chimed in together.

“Sappy Romance it is then”, I cheekily answered back and got disgruntled groans in return, much to my satisfaction.

Serves them right !

“Babe, anything but that”, Dominic whined as he joined me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Documentaries then ?”, I teased.

“I feel so tempted to spank your naughty ass right now, babe”, Dominic voiced out his thoughts and I meekly gulped at the warning.

I did not want to be spanked.

“Boring bitch”, Snow scoffed.

“And here comes the bitching queen again”, I announced through the mindlink with sarcasm as heavily laced as chocolate icing on a chocolate cake.