Third Person POV

"Why did you let her claim what is mine, pup ?", Dominic softly asked while petting Kai's head.

"I didn't know her intentions", Kai mumbled.

"And you did not even pull her away from you", Dominic woefully said while hugging the Beta Lycan who was settled comfortably in his lap and resting his head over the Vampire King's shoulder.

"I was very angry", Kai replied with a whimper as if the very memory hurt him to the core. "I controlled so hard to not kill her", he added, upset at his emotions and conduct.

"And you didn't even sense us coming, baby. Why is that so ?", Dominic gently asked.

"I was angry", Kai reasoned out and Dominic hummed in understanding.

"I love you, baby", Dominic cooed before claiming his mate's juicy, baby pink lips.

"I love you too", Kai happily sighed before squeezing Dominic's waist tight. "Bella must be working alone", Kai suddenly remembered his baby, who he felt so protective about for some reason. "We should help her", he added.