Bella’s POV

“ .... and your sense of humour is currently nowhere to be found”, I sassed as I plopped back against Kai and felt the satisfaction of getting on Daddy Domz’s nerves.

“Vampires are NOT fucking grown ass leeches for the last goddamn time”, he exasperately said while keeping his eyes on the road, making Kai and me laugh.

“You are so kewt”, Kai chuckled. “But I agree with Bella. Vampires are basically leeches only, sugarbug”, Kai teased. “Y'all suck all our blood till we die and are major pests in our life”, he laughed while Dominic glared his way.

“Huh”, Dominic scoffed. “You two wolves better not forget that you can be sucked dry from everywhere in the middle of the road by this leech”, he smirked.

“Everywhere ?”, Kai asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You really don’t think I will let those milk producing beauties get wasted”, Domz dirty talked and a deserving double punch attack came slamming through on his arm.