Dominic’s POV

“Domz !”, Bella hugged me sobbing the moment I stepped in our dorm after a coven meeting in one of my restaurants with the higher ups and warriors regarding the security plan of protecting my mates and the whole city, in general, now that my fucking father was aggressively pushing his agenda to find me.

“My baby”, I cooed as I hugged her back after she jumped in my arms, hugging my neck as if her life depended on it and wrapped her legs around my torso in a vise like grip.

“I miss him already and I feel so uneasy for him, Domz. I just want to go out to him wherever the fuck he is hiding, drag him back here by his ears and beat the crap out of him for pulling off this stupid thing”, she cried while clinging to me tighter.

My heart bled out on seeing the unusually strong royal Lycan princess in distress like this and for the first time in my life, I felt completely helpless, coz I was breaking down from within too.