Kai’s POV

"Are you cold, Kai ? Should I close the window ?", the Dean asked with a quirked up eyebrow as shivers shot up my spine like a firecracker on New Year’s.

“No Ma’am !”, I gritted out somehow before angling my buttocks in a more comfortable position so that the Dean could not see what a storm was brewing up under her very nose.

Thinking about it, a storm was brewing up in my testicles too which would soon torrent a heavy downpour of white, curdy rainfall everywhere.

The last thing I wanted was the Dean finding Bella under the desk and suspending the both of us even before the verdict for the unfortunate video leak incident was given.

To top on it, the naughty vixen only assaulted the sensitive crown of my rock hard manhood making my c*ck jerk at the teasing pleasure it felt, every time she gave it a teasing lick.


These two women were going to be the death of me !!

“Good ! So I am going to get straight to the point”, the Dean said.