Chapter 9

“You're two peas in a pod, both as crazy as one another.”

She made her way back over towards the fridge.

Tyler tried everything he could to embarrass me in front of Tristan. Each time he tried to blurt out that I had a crush on him, I had to beat him to shut him up. Well, I tried to, but he was always so damn fast, and he was really ripped too which was weird for his age. I used to chase him around the house until I fell down with exhaustion. He'd then jump on top of me and start tickling me to death. I swear a few times I actually peed myself.

The play fights happened so often that Tristan started telling us to get a room, he even asked us once if me and Tyler were dating. We both just burst out laughing and rolled around on the floor. I saw Tyler as a brother and he saw me as a sister, the thought of anything else was just disgusting.

“Do you want orange juice, Honey?” My mom asked with her head still in the fridge.

“Yes, please, Mom.”

As the years went on, I finally began to develop. I was now nearly sixteen-years-old and was filling out nicely if I did say so myself. I had a nice little tush and my two ladies had come in big and fast. I had some nice curves of my very own. It took some getting used to, let me tell you. I liked to dress more feminine and I enjoyed doing my hair and makeup, but I still felt too embarrassed to go around to Tyler's all dressed up and showing off my figure. So, I just used to chuck on some old jeans, a baggy t-shirt and my sneakers.

That was until Tyler's sixteenth birthday, it was a few months before mine and I’d decided to go all out for his party. I wore a long, tight black dress with a plunging neckline to show off my new ample cleavage. The dress came down to my ankles at the front but had a split all the way up to the middle of my right thigh. It was a low backed dress too and had had a small train that beautifully slid along the floor behind me when I walked. I finished it off with a pair of red four-inch stilettos and a red clutch bag. I wore my hair up in loose curls with a clip at the back and had some of the loose curls coming down the front to frame my face. My makeup was smoky black eyes, with eyeliner and red lipstick to finish the look.

I was so nervous when my mum dropped me off at Tyler's birthday party that night. I stood at the front door for almost fifteen minutes before I had built up enough courage to walk in. I opened the door and made my way through the house and into the back garden where all the guests were. There were pretty lights, balloons, and flowers everywhere. Tyler’s parents had also got a massive marquee with a huge dance floor and DJ. It looked amazing and there were so many people there.

Tyler saw me and ran right up to me. He picked me up into a hug and spun me around. He set me back down and said something along the lines of,

“damn girl, you's looking fine!”

I forgot the exact words, but that was the gist. I laughed and punched him in the arm. I wished him a happy birthday and gave him his gift. It was some computer game he had wanted for ages. I had no idea which one, but he loved it. He hugged me again and left to go get us some drinks.

I felt self-conscious standing there all by myself, guys kept wolf whistling at me and making sexual comments and I wasn't the type to defend myself.

Urgh, guys can be such pervs, I thought to myself while I reached for the orange juice that my mom had left on the table.

Tyler had been ages and I was starting to panic while standing there all alone, I hated being alone. I'd decided to give him ten more minutes to get back or I was going home. Needless to say, he didn't come back, so I stormed off in search of him. I planned to give him a piece of my mind before I went home. The big jerk knew that I hated being on my own in big crowds.

I stormed over towards the house and heard noises coming from down the side of the pool house. As I got closer, I heard Tyler speak, I couldn't work out what he'd said, but I knew it was him. I was ready to march right over there and give him a piece of my mind. I picked up the pace and thundered around the corner of the pool house.

I closed my eyes and screwed up my face when I remembered what I had seen that night.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my GOD! What the hell?” I’d screamed out as I frantically tried to cover my eyes. I’d already seen more than enough. Tyler was half naked and had a girl pinned up against the wall. I spun around, so that I definitely couldn't see anything else.

I apologized profoundly. The girl giggled and I just apologized again and told him to have a good night. I let him know that I was going home, he didn't mind me leaving and said he'd catch up with me the next day. I hurried off and made my way back through the house, completely red-faced and flushed with embarrassment. I quickly opened the front door to leave, but as I went to walk through the door my heel got stuck on the back of my dress. I tripped, fell forwards, and smacked face first into Tristan Cole's rock-hard chest.

I bit my lip when I remembered what happened next.

“Whoa there!” Tristan said as he grabbed hold of my shoulders to stop me falling over. I was absolutely mortified. I didn't want him knowing who I was, so I kept my head down and mouth shut, hoping that he would just let me past him.

“Are you leaving already?” He’d asked in a husky voice.

But all I could muster up was a,

“Yup,” I replied with a slight nod of my head.

I couldn't bear to look up at him.