Chapter 15

I brushed a wave of hair away from his face and he nodded to me in agreement. I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips, and he exhaled with relief. Pulling back to look into his eyes once more, I then asked cautiously,

“we will be okay won't we babe?”

With tears occasionally sliding down my face, I allowed him to pull me in to him and squeeze me tightly. My stomach began to settle as safety and comfort swept over me. I inhaled through my nose taking in his familiar scent and it instantly calmed my nerves. I still had no idea what would happen or what our future held, but I had loved Tristan for as long as I could remember. Sitting there in his warm embrace just felt so natural.

“We will definitely be okay. I love you, much more than you will ever know,” he said with raw emotion in his voice.

I sighed slightly. His words surprisingly made me feel a lot better. I rested my head on his shoulder and he squeezed me even tighter.

“Ugh, T,” I coughed out as his tight hug began to cut off my air supply.

“Oh, damn, sorry babe,” he said with a chuckle while letting me go.

He grabbed me, then collapsed onto the bed, pulling me down on top of him. He stroked my hair while we laid there embracing each other.

Knock, knock.

A light tapping noise on the door dragged us away from our peaceful moment.

“Hey, um, Tristan?” Cassie asked in a quiet and apprehensive tone as she opened the door gently.

I pulled myself off of Tristan and sat on the edge of the bed. Tristan slowly dragged himself up into a sitting position. She paused and looked to Tyler for help. Tyler took over and asked in a sheepish voice,

“Uh, we heard you howl. Is everything okay?”

I watched Cassie and Tyler as they stood in the doorway of my bedroom. They looked nervous as hell. Cassie was biting her thumb nail and looking around the room. She was obviously trying to avoid eye contact with both Tristan and me. Tyler had his head down and was looking at his feet, while he lightly kicked at my bedroom floor. Tristan broke the awkward silence first and said,

“It's all fine guys, she knows everything.”

He didn't bother to move and continued to lay on the bed. He had his arms under his head and one foot over the other. Cassie and Tyler gradually looked up at me warily. With their attention now on me, I decided to ask them a few questions.

“So, I guess if Tristan's a werewolf, that would make you one too Tyler?”

I sat there for a few seconds staring at him, waiting for an answer.

“Yeah,” he finally replied in a low voice, then looked back down to the floor.

My eyes scanned over to Cassie.

“And you're his human mate, Cass?”

“Yes!” she quickly replied then shook her head. “Oh... wait no,” she corrected herself then continued, “yes, I am his mate, but I'm a werewolf too.”

She looked at me with worried eyes. I stood up, folded my arms across my chest then slowly walked towards her.

“I am so pissed off right now. Either I'm really stupid for not noticing anything all these years, or you three are too good at lying to my face.” I said with an angry frown.

She froze instantly, not knowing what to do, and shot Tyler a terrified look. I giggled while throwing my arms around her for a hug.

“I'm only joking Cass,” I said reassuringly, and Tristan snigger behind me.

Cassie sighed with relief as she hugged me back. I stood back slightly and pointed a finger at her.

“You should've seen your face.”

I burst out laughing and Tyler joined in laughing too.

“You're such a bitch Freya, you really had me going there,” she jokingly snapped back while lightly punching me in the arm.

“Ow, what the hell?” I screamed out in fake pain while I held my arm.

Tristan viciously snarled while jumping off the bed and sprinting towards Cassie. I watched in horror as Cassie's face dropped in pure panic. Tyler quickly pushed her behind him then growled at Tristan. Tristan stopped in his tracks and stood up tall, before growling back at his little brother. The growl was so deep and ferocious that it made me jump backwards out of harm's way. Tyler hastily bowed his head to show his neck then whimpered. Tristan ignored his brother's submission and lunged at him. Tyler braced himself for conflict by raising both of his arms up to protect his face.

“Tristan, stop!”

I ran forwards placing myself right in between them both. Placing my hands onto Tristan's chest, I tried my best to hold him back. He was breathing so hard and his nostrils were flaring in pure anger. I looked up into his eyes and they were jet black.

“Baby, please calm down,” I begged him in a shaky voice.

He ignored me and tried to lunge at Tyler again. I lost my footing and began to slide backwards as he pushed against me.

“Tristan, please!” I screamed out while I reached my hands up and put them either side of his face. I yanked it down to mine, trying to divert his attention. “Tristan look at me, babe. I'm okay, Cassie didn't hurt me, I promise.”

He blinked a couple of times then gazed into my eyes. I softly began to explain,

“I was joking, she didn't hurt me. I swear.”

My hands fell from his face. He gently turned me to the side and lifted my arm to see if there were any marks. Satisfied with his inspection, he stroked my arm with his thumb.

“I'm so sorry. Please calm down,” I said while I shook again with emotion.

I couldn't hold the tears in any longer, I was scared to death. It was just like I’d just watched two dogs having a fight. It was so intense, and now that it was over, the floodgates had opened. I was just so glad that he'd calmed down, because I didn't know if I could have handled witnessing anything worse than what I’d just seen.

He turned me around to face him, then picked me up by my ass. I put my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He pulled me into him tightly and nuzzled into my neck, inhaling my scent.