Chapter 21

I said quietly, but obviously not quietly enough, because Cassie overheard me and asked,

“What's up, Frey?”

“That stupid slut just bumped me. I nearly fell right on my ass!” I snarled while pointing at Amber.

Cassie growled and folded her arms across her chest. I couldn't hold my tongue and I spat out,

“She's always picking on people. I hate that stuck up bitch.”

“Well, you got the bitch part right.” She sniggered. “And she thinks she's better than everyone else too.” Cassie nodded her head in agreement and casually said,

“that's probably because she's the Beta's daughter.”

“What? She's a werewolf too?” I questioned with disbelief.

“Oh, um, yeah she is,” Cassie replied while she turned to face me.

“What in the hell? Is everyone in this town a damn werewolf?”

Am I the only human around her?

“No, but there is quite a lot of us,” she answered with a smirk.