Finn continued to whimper and lick Freya's face.
“Finn? Is that you?” Stevie quietly questioned as she crept down the basement stairs.
Crap! Evan must have forgotten to close the door.
We let her pass and she made her way towards Finnley. When she got to within a couple of feet of him, he turned and snarled at her. She jumped back startled.
“Oh Finnley, I am so sorry I wasn't there to help you through all of this. Please forgive me, I love you.”
She placed her head into her hands and began to sob loudly. Finn's wolf turned his head to the sian and stared at Stevie with curiosity. His curiosity won out and he hopped off of Freya and cautiously approached Stevie. He scowled at Evan and I, so we held our hands up and backed up a little. Just enough so that we weren't on top of them, but not too far away, because we still needed to be able to get to Stevie quickly if Finn decided to turn on her again.