Chapter 172

Ready for round two?

Freya Rose

I reached my hand behind me and ran my fingers through Evan's hair while he continued to kiss my neck. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. I suddenly realized that Mason and I were surrounded by flames, how the hell was Evan kissing my neck? How was his face not melting off? I stopped kissing Mason and looked around to see if Evan's face was still intact. I gasped when I saw that Evan was now engulfed in flames too. Sensing my body tense up, Evan pulled away from me and Mason lowered me to the floor. I turned to face Evan.

“It's cool right!” He was so proud of his new flames. He even did a little twirl. I giggled at his silliness then asked him,

“Are you a Phoenix too?”

He looked at me and shook his head. I watched as his flames began to fade. His face dropped and his excitement dwindled.

“Awe man, that didn't last long,” he whined, then went and sat on the bed.