Chapter 179

“Freya?” I heard a man whisper.

“Freya?” He whispered again, his voice very soft and familiar.

“Freya? Can you hear me?” He asked quietly.

A hand squeezed my shoulder and even though it was very gentle in its touch, it still startled me and I snapped awake. With my heart racing, I ripped my sore body away from the hard-wooden desk. I felt my shoulder and the hand was gone.

“Huh? Who's there?” I asked sleepily while I rubbed my eyes trying to focus.

Standing in front of me was a tall dark-haired figure and it definitely wasn't Evan or Mason.

“It's okay, Freya. It's me Samael,” he answered a little louder this time.

My heart rate began to slow as I sighed and slumped back into my chair.

“Hi, Sam,” I replied politely while rubbing my eyes again, then opened them up, allowing them time to adjust.

“It's Sam now, is it? I wondered whether or not you'd remember our time together once you'd woken up, after being attacked.”

“Wait, what now?” I asked in confusion.