Chapter 206

She backed away with a huff and gave me back control.

“Your wolf getting all momma bear on ya, is she? That is adorable,” Kali mocked.

“Enough Kali! Let him go!” I snapped at her down the phone.

“Fat chance!”

Oh for Christ sake, what is wrong with this woman? She's a spoilt brat, that has the maturity of a three-year-old, I thought to myself while I rolled my eyes yet again. I stood there for a minute contemplating my options, then I realized I didn't have any. I already knew that Mina wanted our son back and it wasn't like I could just stroll up and steal him. I had to hand myself in, I could not let anyone be enslaved, tortured or God forbid die for me. The faction had already lost my dad and Ellie because of me, I couldn't let them lose Finnley too.

“Okay, you win. Do you know where Redwood Meadows is?” I asked her.

“Yes,” she replied abruptly.