Chapter 300

“If there was a way for me to go away and give Finnley his old life back, I would do it in a heartbeat. I hate knowing that my very existence causes him so much pain.”

Right in that moment, if I’d had control of my body, I’d be balling like a baby. The wolf seemed as though he’d calmed down and matured a lot since the day I had to stop him ripping everyone apart at the hunter’s faction. It was such a shame that Finnley couldn’t see what a great friend he had inside him all along.

“There is a way my dear boy. All you need to do is sever the bond between you and Finnley. You have to reject him. You will go into a deep slumber, never to return again.”

I could hear the emotion in her voice, she didn’t want him to go. She didn’t have the chance to be close to him, but he was still her first made son, and losing him was going to break her heart, and mine. I couldn’t believe how selfless and kind he was being. He just wanted Finnley to be happy.