Chapter 337

“What do you mean? Who? Who's gone?” I screamed down the phone, but she didn’t answer. “Savanah? Answer me please,” I begged her.

“The pack has been taken, little rose.”

“Traian? Where have you taken them? If you’ve hurt them, I swear to God, I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch!”

“Please, little rose, trust me…”

“Don’t fucking call me that!” I screeched at the phone. I was seconds away from ascending.

With a sigh he replied,

“We had nothing to do with any of this, I swear. We can explain everything, but you need to come back home.”

“No way, it sounds like a trap,” Sam snapped.

“Shut your mouth, vermin,” Traian hissed down the phone.

A few seconds passed with them just hissing at each other.

“Enough, I’ll come home. Just please don’t hurt them,” I begged in a defeated tone.

“We haven’t touched them. I swear to you.” I was about to hang up when Marik chimed in, “We love you Freya, we wouldn’t hurt you.”