The Hoodlum

Heavy sounds of footsteps echoes in a monotonous way was hidden by the thunderous noise outside. In a stable pace it roamed the hallways.

It was a hoodlum that appeared in the middle of the night while the owner is deep in slumber.

No one knew who it was nor Yvon knew that it exists and came to her house.

Yvon woke up, chest heaving up and down. Her forehead and back was drenched in sweat. Yvon was deep in thought as she slowly calmed down.

She forgot to turn off the lights in her room when she had fallen asleep, she stood up in attempt to switch it off. Yvon prompt herself to stand up barefooted, a carpet prevented the cold to even have contact with her feet.

Nearing the door frame she heard a faint sound of something colliding with the floor as the sounds of footsteps came apparent and a little loud. The perpetrator seemed alarmed and in a haste.

Yvon hurriedly pulled out the baseball bat under her bed that she always kept for safety purposes. While completely forgetting her initial task.

Slowly opening the door in order not to further alarm the intruder. These past years her life have become plain and boring.

The sudden adrenaline rush made her heart thump wildly in excitement, nervousness, and a certain fear. Clutching the bat's handle a little tighter as Yvon's hands turned damp as it trembled.

Silently listening to the frantic footsteps that leads her to the attic. It was one of her forbidden places in the mansion, never ever mention the attic as memories that she already buried resides there.

Now that it might be debunked and release an unwanted elements she prepared her already flustered heart.

Her night gown held no resistance to the cold as it was doubled by the brewing storm outside but heat took over her body as anxiety flowed in her veins.

Her hazel eyes turned sharp and her alertness heightened. She gulped but it didn't subdue her growing nervousness. She came close to a small wooden stair that provides as the only way up to the attic.

Somehow she hesitated to go up and just let the intruder scot free. Yvon's mind became chaotic, deleterious thoughts came jumbling her mind further.

Unconsciously her right foot took the first step, as a creek reminded her back to reality. Yvon looked down, staring at her bare foot for a while.

'I'm already here. There is no point going back' she thought as she continued her way to the attic with reassurance.

Her back started to furiously sweat when she realized she didn't bring her phone. When she entered the attic all Yvon could only see was darkness except for the nearby places by the only window and as for the rest?

She didn't know. The hoodlum might be hiding in the dark, smiling cunningly at her.

"Come out! Whoever you are!" Yvon shouted.

Silence answered her. The storm outside became violent, the thunder became louder, the lightning increased its number, and the rain seems to be never ending.

Yvon was distracted by the events outside for a while made an opportunity for the hoodlum to make its exit. Rushed footsteps, the hoodlum ran straight for the window and broke it.

A piercing sound was created as the glass shattered to smithereens in varying sizes. In a daze and haste, Yvon tried to capture the culprit but as she came close to the window, pain greeted her bare foot.

Blood flowed out mingling with the broken shards. Scarlet fluid seeped to the wooden floor, spreading quickly like a blooming rose.

Still she remained in that same spot, stretching her neck out to see the hoodlum. The rain entered through the window wetting her thin night gown.

It was quite a fall for the hoodlum as it was from the highest part of the mansion but it wasn't too overboard as the mansion was only a two story house.

It was dark and there was a storm so Yvon didn't see too much, only a fluttering cape of that person came to view as the lightning shone for a mere second.

As it's figured disappeared completely, pain jolted her awake. For every passing second the pain she felt doubled it pace.

She limped down from the attic leaving marks of blood as she made her way to her room. Her face became pale because of the fast decreasing blood, too little blood was only left.

Yvon might not make it, her legs lost strength and became feeble and unable to support her upper body. She didn't realized she stood for a whole while back in the attic and lost a lot of blood.

For a girl like Yvon who rarely do exercise, this is too much for her to handle. The baseball bat she brought along for protection became her support and walked slowly towards her room with all the strength and will that's left in her small body.

Her once proud back was hunched and was shuddering form the cold. Her night gown clung to her closely, the tiled became difficult to walk on as it became slippery because of her own blood that constantly flowed out.

She hissed for every step she took as the glaring pain stung her to the bones.

With her will she reached her room… barely. Straight to the bathroom she goes, tending her wounds.

As she finished tending to her wounds she limped back to her bed. Exhaustion engulfed her, the second her body landed on the bed, Yvon fell asleep instantly.

Seemingly unaffected of the intruders presence, however what do you expect out of a person who's forsaken their own safety? On another hand, another shadow roamed.

Seemingly in a daze she feel into a deep slumber.

Midday, the sun has risen and glaring heat have brought along the summer breeze. After all it was already March, yesterday's rain and storm was already odd enough.

The leaves glowed with morning dew as the garden in full bloom seemed heavenly and the birds chirped happily as they began their day.

Yvon slept in most of the day, left the garden with no one to admire its beauty.

The center of this was oblivious and enjoyed the bliss sleeping gives coupled with fatigue, she slept snoring and making a small pool of saliva on her fluffy pillow.

The sound of a ringtone finally woke her up. Yvon prompt her head up while her one hand moved its best to straighten her unkempt hair as another made its way to the ringing devise. Slightly irritated by the disturbance, she laid on her back completely while holding the phone with both hands.

Her eyes squinted and narrowed as the trace of irritation disappears as a slight smile tugged at the end of her lips. The uncomfortable feeling struck her with reality, she drooled! While making her way to the bathroom she answered the call.

On the other side there way a beaming "Good morning!" as Abby's happy voice reached her ears. However on Abby's side all she could her was muffled sounds, running water, and some gurgling

"Hello Abby? Are you still there?"

After a long pause Abby said almost like a whisper.

"Yeah, I know you hate celebrating your birthday but…"

Sighing in expiration she replied "Abby you know why I don't celebrate it and besides I'm too tired from all that happened last night."

"Oh my God, what happened?" Abby shouted over the phone.

"Calm down, it's just some burglar. As if there's something to steal here." Although she felt fear of that person coming back she laughed it off as it was nothing.

"Oh my God, you should have called. Are you going to report this? I told you, you don't have to go back to your mother's house. There is an extra room in my dorm. You could stay here, we could pack your things and move here. Since its weekend we could go out after we unpack." Abby could only her stubborn friend.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going to the police station in the afternoon after I clean up the mess. About that, I'll think about it." Yvon smiles, at least there one person cares.

After she showered and got dressed. As she walks out of her room, goose bumps crawled under her skin. She clearly remembers the mess of yesterday's ruckus.

Yvon ran up to the attic only to find to broken shards of glass on the floor. Only a window with no glass remained as evidence of last night's event.

"What the…" she said under her breath. "This does not make sense. Who in world in their minds break in someone's house then comes back to clean the mess?!"

Yvon frantically paced back in fort, causing the floor to continuous creaking loudly. One of her foot suddenly feel through and she screamed.


Luckily her feet were not hurt but to her surprise she did not fell through the ceiling. There was a hidden compartment on the floor.

Yvon knelt on to the floor, dust clung to her skirt as she did. She reached out only to find an old dusty book, picking it up and blowing away the thick layer of dust.

"The Four Muses of Kismet? Is this some kind of kid's book? Why is up here?"

"Welcome!" a man's voice echoed faintly. Her ears suddenly perked up.

'I know this voice. It's him'

Yvon who suddenly woke up from her reverie, hurriedly ran down to the first floor. There she saw her father along with a strange man she have not met before.