The Side Character has a Scholarship - Part 3

It was the final period for the day.

I had a class called, 'Advanced Maths with Methods' which was just another way of saying harder maths. Although it was technically the most difficult maths available to us, it still didn't pose any major difficulty. I got my books and other supplies out of my locker and began making my way towards the classroom.

The class was disproportionately male-dominated, with ten males to only three females, one of them being Ichika, it was also one of the smallest classes in terms of student number. As usual, I sat near the back, observing the teachers lesson. The teacher spoke significantly more in this class than many of the others, usually spending the entirety of the lesson teaching a concept and setting us some homework at the end. For some reason, today however, the teacher was absent and in their place, a substitute teacher handed us some exercises and left us to our own devices.