Chapter 131 (Zachary)

Alma woke up late in the morning unlike the previous days -- she had spent most of her time in the night thinking about her ordeal with Zachary and how she should present herself incase she comes in contact with him. She ended up sleeping later on in the midnight and waking up later in the day.

As soon as she woke up that morning, and her eyes travelled towards the direction of her window, she jumped out of the bed. She walked up to her window and open her curtains ; The sun was up and as she looked out, she could see that the servants were up already and performing their various duties.

She sighed in weariness as she turned away from the window. She already knew that she had woken up late but somehow she was unbothered, after all she was the head of maidens and every maiden in the palace was accountable to her. She stared back at her bed, wanting to go back and continue her sleep because she felt that she didn't have enough sleep and her eyes were heavy.