3. Why you never mess with horse archers.

"RETREAT" Perseus shouts and his men follow him running back to the woods. A hobgoblin has twice the strength of a human adult, facing them head-on on these boars is never a good option. Seeing the group of men running, the goblins cheer and continue their charge. War cries which show their blood lust can be heard even from afar. Hearing their cries, the retreating Fortunians I normally seem not to be affected.

Otto shows no fear on his face as he turns around and fires an arrow. The stone arrow ignores the hard parts of a hobgoblin's armor and pierces his eye, leaving the poor hobgoblin screaming before falling off his boar to the ground. Two groups exchange skirmishing as the gap between them gets closer and closer.

3 of the Fortunian riders have been struck down by arrows from the goblins on goats. Although 2 hobgoblins and 4 other goblins have fallen under Fortunian arrows, if the men are caught up, death is certain. Perseus shoots, again and again, most of his arrows are blocked by the vanguard hobgoblins' armors but some find their way to the lightly-armored goblin in the back or manage to hit unprotected hobgoblins" body parts.

Keeping the smile on his face, Perseus laughs out loud. His comrades are influenced by him; they start laughing, too. Some goblins who are leading the charge are confused. " Why are these humans laughing? Aren't they supposed to tremble before our might?"

Not long, the reason the Fortunians are so confident appears. From the woods, the rest of the Fortunians warriors mount their horses and advance toward to save their comrade. Perseus waves his hand and all of the riders ride toward two different directions, making a circle surrounding the charging goblins.

"FIRE" Arrows from all directions fly toward the goblins. Although they are mostly stone arrows, they are enough to pierce goblin's skin and even deliver death to them. The hobgoblins with heavy armor have more safety, but their mounts are not. Hobgoblins fall to the ground after their mounts are wounded. Arrows after arrows, the goblins fire back but their archery can not compete with the Fortunian riders. Many goblins lie dead or wounded, the rest throw their weapons and surrender.

[ Your civilization has defeated strong enemies

Rewards: Military Fascination: Horse Archery ( Increase accuracy of mounted archers by 10%)

200 CP ]

Everything is as expected." Perseus thinks. The hobgoblins are incredibly strong in close combat while the goblins are good miners, blacksmiths, and fine archers. His horse archers can win this battle mainly for their strategy. Circle skirmishing is the best tactic for horse archers to fight against heavy-armored troops on an open field. However, he has to bait the goblins to get out of their walls or his men will face the enemy's archers. The Fortunian riders would have been slaughtered if they have dared to challenge the goblin this way.

Lead a group with a handful of the riders as a bait, Perseus has succeeded in life the hot temper goblins out me finish them. Although human is a race that has nothing stand out, they can quickly adapt to new tactics and conduct them successfully. They have just formed the circle formation once in practice before Perseus led his men here; though, they have performed well against the enemies.

Looking at the goblins who are forced to sit still by the riders with their arrows ready to be unleashed at any moment, Perseus dismounts his horse and approaches the hobgoblin named Kurk, who is believed to be the leader of the goblins. Kurk is now sitting on the dirt with four arrows on different parts of his body and being tied by layers of ropes; he groans painfully every time the arrows on his body are moved.

" Untie and treat his wounds," Perseus speaks, making many men around confused.

" But, chieftain, isn't he our one..? "

" Do not let me repeat, untie and treat him" Perseus repeats his words with an irritated voice. His men cannot disobey any further and untie the hobgoblin, but many still glare at Kurk with watchful eyes. The arrows are removed and some special plants are crashed before covering Kurk's wounds.

The goblin chief looks at Perseus with strange eyes:

-" I do not know what you're planning, human. But I will kill you before that happens"

Not waiting for his wounds to be fully treated, Kurk moves fast toward Perseus, his punch aiming at Perseus's face. If an ordinary human is hit by a hobgoblin's punch, his head can be blown up. However, Perseus is no ordinary man.

[ Hercules' Strength Skill has been purchased

300 CP has been removed ]

Feeling the power erupt inside his body, Perseus stops the incoming punch of Kurk easily. A human stops a hobgoblin's punch with ease; the scenery is so shocking that Perseus's men open their mouths in shock instead of rushing to protect him. With his armed locked, Kurk can not move, he grins his teeth while looking at Perseus with hostile eyes.

" Don't be rude, chieftain Kurk. I only attack you and your men for your aggression toward us. We all desire peace and prosperity for our people. " Perseus

" How can I trust your intention? Human? " Kurk

" We'll be better at peace than war." Perseus

Perseus wants the goblins to work and fight for him. Goblin is the only race that can force Mithdril steel and have extraordinary mining skills as the dwarfs. Furthermore, they can see in darkness so, with proper training, goblins can be excellent assassins.

" Winter is coming, Chieftain Kurk. I know that your metals and weapons can't save your kinsmen from starving. Work with me, my friend, and our races will prosper together. Humans and goblin can become friends." Perseus continues persuading Kurk.

After a while, Kurk nods his head and the negotiation begins.

[ You and a Goblin Civilization have declared friendship

Rewards: Diplomatic Fascination: Friend of Goblins (Goblins are more friendly toward your civilization )

100 CP ]

The goblin prisoners are released and the wounds are treated. The goblins promise to help humans to build their settlement and force weapons, tools, and armors in exchange for food and a military alliance. At night, they hold a feast around a large campfire; they eat, dance, and laugh together before paying respect to those who have fallen in the fight. Although some families have obligations toward each other's due to their losses, most enjoy the peace. The Fortunians try out the iron swords made by goblins while goblins taste sheep's meat with joy.

Perseus, who is sitting quietly at the corner of the campfire, smiles. He knows that the key in Rise of Civilization is not conquering or seizing, it is cooperating. This day will be remembered as one of the most remarkable days in Fortunian History.

[ Perseus Fortuna

A chieftain of the tribe of Fortuna

Alliance: Redhorn Tribe

Skills: Heracles' Strength

Master Archery

Master Riding ]