Chapter 9:

[ Kobold are a demi-human race

Aside from some wolf's traits, all of other are similar to human

Has good hearing, agility and developed connections with the land

They are known for being good farmers and swordsmen ]

That's what the system inform Perseus about the existence of the race named kobolds. From his experience, Perseus knows that Kobolds are only strong if they evolve to Kobold warriors. The demi-human races are able to evolve to become stronger being. For instance, goblin --> hobgoblin --> Goblin Warrior/Goblin Mage --> Goblin King/ Goblin Mage King. That evolving system is what brings disadvantages to human races since they are the only race that cannot evolve. The conditions are unknown for each race and as Perseus remember, one must fulfill some special hidden quests given randomly.

In case of kobold, their evolvement system is Kobold --> Kobold Warrior --> Kobold Swordsmen --.> Kobold King. Kobolds can not use magic but it is much easier for them to evolve than other races. Thus, Perseus won't be surprise to encounter a high-tier opponent like the Kobold Swordsmen in the settlement.

" Chieftain, the kobolds must have known we are coming, I notice 100 of them has already prepared to fight on the walls. " Freya reports to Perseus after scouting by her eagles.

" So we don't have to hide our existence any more. Pass my command, advance. " Perseus orders Otto, who is now the Deputy Commander of the Fortunian Warriors. "

400 troops, including 60 Fortunian Horse Archers, 60 goblin spearmen, 10 goblin engineers, 40 goblin crossbowmen and 30 hobgoblins as well as 200 Phoenix Legion soldiers ( 70 are knights) begin their march. A large percentage of the army are cavalries and archers, which is the dominant and popular in the Northern Arcadia.

Perseus, Siesta and Kurk ride their mounts side by side observing the settlement they are going to besiege. It's obvious that they outnumber their opponents; however, the question is how to take the settlement without having too much casualties.

" We should block all the ways out, starve and poison their water resources. Within weeks, they will rally out to be destroyed by our cavalries or surrender." Siesta is the first one speak. As a commander who has gone through many battles, of course she has been through some siege battles.

" Your plan will work if we have much time and fight against human, Siesta. But we can't let Neverwinter not defensed for too long, other tribes might take the chance and attack us. Furthermore, our enemies are kobolds, they can grow an ecosystem inside that settlement, we will run out of food before they do. " Perseus replies her. He acknowledge that Siesta is a good commander, but her experiences are in the field of fighting human beings only.

'' Let your engineers set up your siege equipment, Chieftain Kurk. " Perseus decides to let the goblins play the first role.

Kurk just nods before turning away. After the winter, he has evolved to be a Mage Goblin, who specialize in Destruction Magic. Also, Perseus sends a messenger to deliver his message to the Kobolds inside the settlement. But after 2 hours, there is no replies from the Kobolds. The Allies start their movement.

10 goblin engineers have managed to set up 3 trebuchet of which parts have been created beforehand. Rocks are sent flying toward the kobold settlements, some kobolds are nearly crushed if not for they dodge in time. However, some parts of the wooden walls are broken due to the destructive strength of the trebuchets.

'' Nothing lower the morale of the defenders than seeing the attackers have superior siege equipment. " Perseus thinks when he sees rocks flying, bring destruction to the Kobolds; Nonetheless, only by siege weapons cannot take over a settlement. Perseus wants the Kobolds to surrender without a fight since he doesn't want to lose any men. However, if they do not want to surrender, then he must use force to do so.

" Chieftain Kurk, Commander Siesta. I leave the rest for you. "

Under Siesta's order, 80 Phoenix Legion infantrymen march forward with their shields raised high, followed by half of the goblin spearmen. The goblin crossbowmen move forward and take aim; then volleys after volleys are exchanged between the attackers and the defenders. The arrows from the kobold are poor made; they cannot pierce through the iron armors and shields of the heavy infantries coming toward them.

The iron arrowhead from the goblins is a different story. The Kobolds' leather armors cannot stop these beasts and the kobold archers are taken down one after another. But being on the walls give the kobold archers certain advantages, they have covers. Instead of targeting the well-armored infantrymen, they aim at the goblin crossbowmen. About 7 goblins fall before they have the order to retreat, get out of the range of the archers inside the settlement.

Siesta is the first one that reach the wall. With the help of her troops, they raise the siege ladder and the second phase of the siege begins.