Chapter 11:

Freya is the first one speaking, break the ice between the two parties.

" I'm here on behalf of chieftain of Fortuna Tribe and the Supreme Commander of the army who is waiting just outside the walls. He demands your surrender and kneel to him; if you surrender, he promises that the everyone in this settlement will be under his protection and keep their possessions. But if you decide to continue challenging the might of us, I can't guarantee your safety from our leader's anger. "

The elder goblin surrounding the throne looks relieved and start whispering to each other. Freya smiles slightly; she knows that these kobold elders do not have the will to continue fighting. The kobold who seems to be the leader doesn't show any emotions, but if the elders lose the fighting spirit, Freya reckons the blue banners of the tribe will fly high in this settlement peacefully.

One among the elders move to the mobile chieftain's side:

" Your mighty, maybe we should consider...."

But before the poor old kobold can finish his sentence, the mobile sitting on the throne has drawn his sword. "Slash. " It's not even a second before ahead is sent flying, separated from its' owner's body. Everyone opens their mouth in shock, including Otto and Freya. The Kobold moves forward Freya with clear killing intent in his eyes. Other kobolds scream and try to get out of the meeting hall; an old kobold shouts:

- Chieftain Trent, you can't harm the diplomats; the Gods will be angry and punish us.

However, his words do not stop the blood lust of Trent. The old kobold is kicked violently; his body collapses to the ground. Then, Trent glance at Otto and Freya:

" You lowly creatures have come to the wrong place. Kobolds are proud creatures and we will not bowl to a human. "

" AND THAT IS THE EXCUSE FOR YOU TO MURDER YOUR KINSMEN? " Otto roars. His face has in covered by his anger. In the Fortuna Tribe, everything must be done for the sake of the tribesmen, and murdering a kinsman is the worst crime that a person can commit. Otto is the commander of the warriors, who values the lives of his men more than anyone else. This, seeing one murdering his kind like taking away trashes anger him.

" Fireball. " a small fireball is shot toward Trent by Freya, which nearly hit the kobold. Freya knows this one is a Kobold Swordsmen, who is extremely strong in close combat so she wants to move fast to deal damage. But the Kobold is too fast, he dodges the fireball and rushes toward Freya with incredible speed. Another fireball is shot by Freya but miss: it hit the wooden roof of the hall.

The sword of the kobold nearly touches Freya's face when Otto jumps from the side and blocks it with his ax. Then, Otto uses the arm holding his shield to punch Trent. Again, the kobold successfully dodge the attack and then repay Otto with another fast slash. The shield is sliced in half and blood appear on Otto's chest. Using all of his strength, Otto thro his ax, the kobold tries to dodge but the momentum from his slash hinder him from doing so. The ax leaves a wound on Trent's soldier before stuck at the wall.

" Are you fine, Otto?" Freya asks anxiously while casting spells after spells attacking Trent, intending to stop the kobold the close the distance between them. Freya knows without Otto, there is no chance for her to survive in this situation; agile opponents are very difficult to fight against if you are a witch or mage.

Again, the kobold skillfully avoid the spells firing from Freya and slowly approach them. The cold steel is about to slash Freya's throat again. And like this time, the blade is stopped by Otto.

Even Trent is surprised by Otto's action. Otto stops the sword using his hands. The red liquid flow from Otto's hands showing that he is harmed by the blade; but Trent feels something different from him that scare the Kobold Swordsman, the fastest infantry mankind's ever witnessed.

A red aura erupts from Otto's body, causing Trent and Freya to widen their eyes. Everything they feel from Otto now is anger, endless anger.

Many players in Rise of Civilization have made complaints about how weak human is compared to other races. However, there is an Easter Egg about this race that only veteran players would know. The first 7 humans that meet the condition will receive a power of 7 sins with different kinds of restrictions. And the condition of receiving the power for the "Fury" sin is: Letting the fury for someone goes against your code control your body on the verge of death. "