Smoke And Mirrors

"As you can see your rooms are next to each other, I hope you enjoy your stay your Highness and Lady Keres". The maid said as she bowed her head and left the room.

"Kol where will you be staying?" I asked who was sitting on the sofa next to Pumpkin in my room.

"I'll be staying in the knights chambers. I may be able to get information from the soldiers, I'll try asking around. I'm not worried that you can't protect yourself, I mean I taught you well. Plus Pumpkin is here as well".

"I'll always protect my Master." Pumpkin said envious.

"Actually Pumpkin let Kol or Castor protect me, we need to protect our cover, its not acceptable for women or children to fight or even know how to". Pumpkin pouted and ran and jumped on the bed. "I suggest we go to our rooms, Pumpkin needs to sleep, Kol investigate the knights quarters and see if there's any files on what happened 50 years ago, find out the commanders name. Castor keep Lady Lena distracted." Kol and Castor left the room. "Pumpkin, are you jealous of those two men". She threw her head into the pillow. "Pumpkinnnn". I ran over to the bed jumping on her, attacking her with kisses.

"I'm , not jealous, stop it". I began tickling her laughing uncontrollable. "Okay, okay I am jealous, of the attention you give them". I stopped tickling her and I held her if my arms, slowly stroking her head.

"It's time to get you in your sleepwear". I said lifting her up cradling her in my arms, I stood up walking her to the bath tub.

"I'm an adult, you don't need to treat me like a child" said said again pouting looking at the floor. She took her clothes off and got in the bath. I started washing her hair. 'It times like this is cherish, I feel like this is what it was like with my mother'.

"You are still young, to me you are still a child. I know you find it overwhelming but I feel the need to protect you. You're my daughter, yet you still call me master. Can you call me Mum?" I asked with pleading eyes. Pumpkins pale cheeks went red.

"Mum, I'm tired now". I don't know why I felt so emotional, I helped her out the bath drying her off. I dressed her in pure silence. She laid next to me holding my hand she drifted off to sleep. 'I hope she has good dreams'. Its times like this that I love, I never thought I would care for a human like this, I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her, I would rage war on heaven and Earth. I would travel to the underworld and drag her soul back.

"Sister" I heard his name calling to me. I let go of Pumpkin hand and get up to follow the noise. "Sister, I have something to show you, come find me". Running this maze of the house I tried to follow this voice. I some how found myself outside a tower that wasn't shown in the tour. Out came Lena, looking distrustful and criminal. She camouflaged herself in a long black robe. 'What's in that building'. The door disappeared and the only thing that could be seen was a small window about 27 feet up. 'Shit, this is definitely a witches tower'. It would be more than foolish to go in the tower by myself. However, Witches' towers are always teleporting, I can't miss this opportunity. 'Fuck it, lets do this'. I began sprinting towards the window and jumped 'Don't overpower the jump'. I manged to reach the window pulling myself in trying to make least amount of noise going in. "Sister, find me". 'Definitely a witch's tower, the inside is huge'. The tower was in pitch blackness, I had no choice but to follow the voice. I ran towards the voice to end up in a room full of mirrors.

"Keres, you could have used the door" emerging from the shadows came the most ugliest creature I've seen. However, it appears that she knows who I am. "Did you use a spell to make yourself look younger?" I remained silent 'My, mother's dead how does she know who she is?'. "Well I have bad news, I've lost sight of your daughter, it seems she's hidden her eyes, I can't track her". The more I look at her the more I feel physically sick. She had warts all over her face and looked about 90 years old her back hunch over crushed together. Her sagging chin dangled, her eyes looked lifeless and her nose was 3 inches too long. The smell that cursed the air came from her. 'Kol would be sick from this smell'.

"That girl what did she want?" I asked.

"Well she wanted me to kill you. Stupid girl always demanding things from me. She thinks because she has hunter's blood that I'm scared of her. Well I never knew you would marry a vampire. I always thought your heart belong Dione, well your entire existence was to find her wasn't it." she said coming closer. 'Does this mean my mum is close by'.

"Hunter's blood did you say?"

"Yes, there family has hunter's gene. However that Lena girl is tainted she hunts fairies, sorcerers and wolves. So she's a dark hunter. Well because of my help she's like that" she began cackling.

"Well I need to get going. Let me know if you find out anymore information"

"Just because Witches follow demons orders doesn't mean you can boss me around". I felt a knife stab me, the oxygen leave my lungs. 'Keep it together D. Don't crumble.'

"Remember who you serve, now show me exit" She lit the way using candle. I couldn't have gotten out of there fast enough. I ran back to the room. My breath was uncatchable, away from me. "My mother, she can't be, she can't be alive, let alone a demon. No" I whispered whilst the tears ran down my cheeks. I looked back at the mirror with my brother smiling at me with his hand against the mirror.

"Sister, everything is not what you thought it is. Smoke and mirrors. Smoke and mirrors." He said laughing manically.