Between Them

Reina got into Lee's car and felt guilty for Sebastian who had protected her last night but instead this morning got angry and chose to walk without going to school with Reina who was picked up by Lee. "Why won't Sebastian go with us?" Lee asked Reina.

"Who knows. Sebastian said earlier if you want to go to school just walk to be healthier." Reina answered like that even though she knew that Sebastian actually didn't like Lee's arrival.

"I thought Sebastian didn't like me picking you up."

Reina was silent because Sebastian really didn't like Lee coming to pick him up in front of the house. Reina doesn't want the two men to become enemies again and get into trouble at school. Reina felt between them made the heart tighter. Reina was confused that the two men were by her side. As if Reina did everything go awry.

"Lee, here's peanut butter stuffed toast for you for breakfast. This is the same menu as what I ate earlier. I hope you like it."