Sweetest Farewell

After taking care of the girls' boarding school and the passport and visa that Sebastian had been waiting for, Sebastian and Reina finally faced the reality of separating. Reina will start attending a girls' boarding school next week, while Sebastian will leave for the Netherlands in two days. All the preparations seemed so fast and suddenly time rolled towards separation.

"I'll be leaving for Holland soon so you shouldn't be sad. I will often contact you when I arrive in the Netherlands. There I'm also still looking for a place to live so you don't have to worry I won't be busy with college right away."

Sebastian tries to tell Reina about what will happen in the next few days so she can accept. At least if they understand each other they will feel fine. Whereas in the hearts of the two teenagers they both felt sad and also not ready for the examination, but in reality they had to separate because it was already an option for the future.