Feeling Lost

Sbastian has started studying in the Netherlands. But the sense of loss is still felt. Sebastian couldn't hide his sadness from the fight he had with Reina the other day. Until now Sebastian has not bought a cell phone at all. Even communicating with his mother only using the cellphone from Uncle Edward. Sebastian wanted to calm down first than the misunderstanding was getting longer and longer. Even those who believe that it is not a misunderstanding simply because her mother has already provided evidence that Reina went with Lee looks so happy and happy. Has Reina been waiting for time so that Sebastian can leave Reina so that he can finally be with Lee again?

"I can only be silent when you leave from my side, from beside me. Leave me as if it never happened, you don't feel anymore ...." Sebastian listened to music and found it so stifling. The first day of college became bland for Sebastian.