All the sadness that once existed is now completely replaced with endless happiness for Sebastian and Reina. It was seen that the two people were ready to make a vow of loyalty in marriage in the church. Reina looks beautiful in a white dress that is so majestic with glittering jewels. Sebastian stares in amazement at Reina who will be his wife and lifelong companion.

The two of them were already in front of the holy altar to say the vows of life and death. The priest was there ready to ask the questions that would lead Sebastian and Reina to married life. They both couldn't wait to say that and start family life together.

The priest said, "Then the time has come to make your marriage official. I invite each of you to answer my questions:

Sebastian Smith, will you marry Reina the daughter of Kenzo who is here and loves her faithfully for life both in joy and in sorrow?"

Sebastian replied, "Yes, I would."