Xion's Departure

Only Yiren that has another contract as model and CF (Commercial Film / Ads) since they already know how massive her power since the beginning, where Yiren will took 70-30 with the company but then she decided to changed it into 50-30-20 as the other 20 will be given to the group to lessen the groups debt before reaching stardom.

Suzy also supports her decision , especially when Yiren said it will be good for the team's balance. Furthermore, behind the CEO and AM PD knowing, Suzy urges the girls to add a small clause into the contract which is that the members will retain the name of the group and fandom either they will disband or break up with the company but not the intellectual knowledge and property such as digital album, physical album, master and demo tracks and such that the group has and the name can only be used when all seven of them are present.

She used "for the sake of memories and friendship for the old days to come" as the reason to convince the girls, and the girls agreed since the group hadn't had the name presented before them and they wanted to have the name that suits them best.

Yu Shin Sun and Yo Shiyoon looked at the extra clause in the contract and thought hard since it was common for the company to have everything from the group, but after reading that the company will be able to keep all the intellectual properties of the group that are being produced under their company and the girls only have the names, Yu Shin Sun then agreed, since Yo Shiyoon added that the names can only be used when they are 7 together, which basically makes the name an empty shell, since in most cases Idol group that broke up will need around 10 years to reunite because of internal class or disbandment.

Furthermore, They already have plans for individual activities for several of the members so these things don't burden them at all, the contract then being signed with all the members present.

In the summer, after Yiren and her group entered focus group camp, Xion tells Yuyeon that he wanted to meet some people to learn from them, he wanted to travel around the world for one year and he wanted to bring his best friend together with him, but since his best friend doesn't know about his plans, he asked Yuyeon if she could hire her as his personal videographer so he can help her mother with her job, Yuyeon quickly understand his intention and just agreed readily. So thus came Kwon Hyesoo, a cute nerdy girl that had a love-hate relationship with Xion since the beginning, Hyesoo doesn't really care about Xion's look and is more focused on his personality.

They started bad at first since there's one time that Xion was running from his suitors after school and he accidentally broke Hyesoo's DSLR when he bumped into her. Without saying anything, Xion keeps running after looking at her name and memorizing it. The next day at school, Xion came looking for her which made the whole school turn upside down like a Cinderella story, this even irritates her more since she's not fond of such attention.

He asked her out to buy a new replacement camera that he broke for it, since there's an upcoming task for videography and Hyesoo doesn't have money to buy any replacement, she weakly agrees to it but since she still held her anger from yesterday, she then asked the whole class who wants to join them, and it's not a surprise that all the boys and girls decided to join, since they are thinking to ride the boat that is presented to them, the girls are thinking about going with a handsome boy, the boys are thinking about free drinks and food.

Xion was left speechless but still agrees to it. Surprisingly this happened 4 times in a span of six weeks, since Hyesoo likes to take a close up video of different angles of bugs life in the school yard near fence like plants, she was hidden from normal view because she crawls behind the vegetations, so yes, a scene like a K-Drama happened again and again.

On the 5th time, she then decided to help him hide and their friendship grew from then on. Some might think that Hyesoo is a weak target for bullying because of her closeness with Xion, when they tried to bully her, they get a good beating from her back since she was black belt ranked in taekwondo. Since then, no one dared to harass her and she soon became Xion's entourage member.

When she showed her works to Xion, she was praised for how creative and fun it was. Xion then decided to keep her close. Yuyeon then called her and talked to her about being the videographer for Xion, since she is in need of money, she agreed and was hired by Xion after she interviewed Xion and threatened him after suspecting that Xion has fallen for her and more weird ideas in his head. Xion was so upset because of it and He just ran to her house where she lived and in front of their mothers since Yuyeon was in the house for the interview, he dragged her outside and poured a bucket of water filled with small ice cubes on top of her head.

Both of them act like a child while running around splashing each other with cold water in the small yard. The mothers just sigh together and have an understanding that they are just best friends and nothing more.

Today, Xion and Hyesoo are in the Airport and they are going to Amsterdam to meet one famous DJ, Tiesto, where he wanted to learn more about electronic instruments which are famous these days. Xion and Hyesoo checked their belongings, passport and tickets and then said goodbye to Hyesoo's mother and Seonho then took both of them to the waiting room.

When the trio arrived in Amsterdam, Hyesoo was fascinated by it's beauty and asked Xion if she could make some vlogs about it, since she is hired by Xion then she needs his permission to do stuff. Xion just asked her to only put him or seonho if they are using their face mask or only their voices in the vlog and she then can upload it on YouTube for her own channel, she counters it with Xion or Seonho must check the final product first before she posted it, which makes Xion agrees.

So the vlog of Hyesoo started and she shows the beauty of Amsterdam to the world through her lenses, sometimes because of Xion, some artists are shown in it like Tiesto and couple more, even Xion's original Dj track was uploaded in her vlogs. but still Xion and Seonho only appear as hands or feet only in the vlogs. Such a creative way really brings attention to the vlog where viewers started to ask her who the other people that talk to her occasionally in the vlog are.

Xion quickly mastered the use of electric instruments such as Synthesizer, Launchpad, DJ Controller and DJ Mixer and Hybrid Digital Analog DVS separately with the help of system's Mirage that can produce any kind of Instruments as long as Xion ever touched it, which later makes Xion got the Beatmaster(S) as a talent after he learned about trap / nightcore / dubstep / disco and many electronic dance music genre.

Next they are going to Puerto Rico, where Xion wanted to learn about their culture and music, and why it can make people dance happily. Hyesoo captured the beauty of Latin America's Culture nicely which later gave her massive boost in subscribers, as of now her subscribers count has reached 10 Million+ WorldWide since Xion helped her with English narration with voice changer as long as she wrote the script first.

Xion, Hyesoo and Seonho enjoyed their summer across Latin America which made Suzy envied them so much when Seonho called her and told her about those exotic places they had been. Because Suzy often watched Hyesoo's vlog, the manager of Aventurine, Yiren's group names Park Sangjin was influenced to watch it, which made Yiren's group members watched it too, but Suzy never told them who those people in the vlog is, including Yiren, since there is a use of voice changer, Yiren never suspect that it was Xion's team.

Winter comes when Xion is in Los Angeles learning street dance and joining street dance battles across the states. Hyesoo was amazed on how Xion is like a sponge, absorbing all the moves and style of the dance especially when he spend 3 whole months full just to learn street dance and improved greatly, he even danced with his dream team, the Jabbawockeez when they became the Jury of a street dance competition in New York.

Meanwhile, Aventurine's members are revealed one by one First is Yuqi with her Husky Voice, sing a verse of a song by the nation's girl group "Into The new world", then Karina do a cover dance of Genie, one of Tourniquet's girl group, then Yena with her original one minute rap, continued with Yeyoung appearance in a singing show named "King Of Masked Singer" as a soon to debut girl group member, then comes Heejin's video of her busking in Hongdae in the night, Somi's comes out on the Aventurine's short vlog where she takes the camera and running inside Tourniquet's Idol Supermarket while being chased by security with a snippet of Aventurine's Debut track Audio.