
Seonho was caught off guard and choke-up not knowing what to say.. He knows that this name is a forbidden name for Xion. He knows how much history there is between these two, even though Yuyeon and Suzy were oblivious to the name.

The name brings weakness and nightmares for Xion but also hope at the same time.

Seonho just drove home silently but then decided to stop at some road shop to buy some food and drinks.

Xion was lost in his thoughts as they arrived at home. Xion just finished his dinner and walked to his room silently..

Seeing him like this, Seonho then left to buy something outside. Two hours later he's back at the house and checked on Xion.

Xion is just sitting in the corner, watching the night city from the window silently.. Seonho then called him out to accompany him. Seonho stands at the door as Xion walks out of his room.

In front of his room, he then asked seonho, "hyung, please help me to find any information about her, i want to know why she left me and never let me know the real reason, i've might have respected her decision way back, one way or another, but now i wanna know the truth."

Xion stares at Seonho's eyes for assurance as the latter said " i will do my best to unveil everything".

Both of them walk to the living room as there is some fried food prepared on the table. Suddenly, Seonho's smartphone rang, he picked it up and then left the house.

Some times later, Seonho came back with other people.

"Yo bro, what's wrong with that doom and gloom?" shouted Ravn. Xion was genuinely surprised when he turned back and saw Yeonjun, Ravn and Ran walk towards him with bottles of soju and beer in their bags.

"What are you guys doing here?" I mean, how do you know where i live?" Xion then looked back at Seonho who just stood there in the door as the boys entered the house.

"Thank you" Xion uttered slowly at Seonho, which the latter just gave him thumbs up in approval. Xion's mood turned to the better

Yeonjun then sat on the sofa and said " i never expected that you would live in such a luxurious palace, you never presented that you are from a well off family, by the way, where's your parents? we should greet them first. "

Xion then answered, "My dad has long passed away no need for sympathy because i've long let him go, and my mom is in Hongkong, and this is not my house, but it belongs to my sister, me and Seonho-hyung are just using it as we are given permission to use it when they are not around."

"You have a sister?" Ravn asked, Yep, a pretty one, boasts Xion. Yeonjun then replied.. Yeah, yeah, yeah.. no wonder i didn't see any photos around here… she's so pretty.. Xion was speechless since they never put any photos in the living room but all of Yiren's photos are in her room.

They started to chat and bicker here and there, as Seonho prepared the drinks for them.

Seonho and the boys then have a drink that night. They spend that night drinking together to the fullest and they are all dead drunk that day.

In the morning, Seonho woke up first and prepared some hangover soup for the boys, since he is also their manager until there is another assistant manager.

Xion had already woken up twenty minutes later and decided to have some morning exercise around the complex.

The other boys are still sleeping soundly in the living room. Xion came back sooner than usual as his mind was kinda bothered. He then took a bath and prepared himself well.

He then wakes the other boys as Seonho has finished cooking and is taking a bath. One by one the boys woke up and took a bath too, it was the first time they saw Xion's room. They were surprised at how simple his room is, there's only a learning table, a bed, a sofa in the corner of the room and a wardrobe with some bookshelves in the wall.

After they are all prepared, they have breakfast together and chat merrily and thank Seonho for everything. While they were chatting, Xion decided to show off.

"Boys, last night you all aren't convinced that i have a pretty sister yeah? Now how about we called her? challenged Xion. The boys sneered and agreed, they got nothing to lose, but Xion then put a wager in front of them, if one of you are speechless because of her for 5 seconds or more, i will hit your head with the toy hammer in front of her in the call and you have to serve me for one day this week, Deal?!

Yeonjun then impatiently countered him, "if we aren't speechless or stunned because of her, it means she is just a regular girl and you have to treat us to some beef till we are satisfied on one occasion, the other boys then chimed in approval."

Okay! Deal! Everyone shouted one by one. Xion then took his tablet and turned it on. there's a song lyrics written there. Yeonjun then asked "when did you make the song?" Can you sing it now? I want to hear it..

Xion turned to look at Yeonjun and contemplated something, Yeonjun then spoke again " Xion-ah, you said you want us to know you more through your music, why did you hesitate?" while staring straight at Xion. Ravn and Ran just sit silently waiting..

Xion then put his tablet on the table and sat on the grand piano in the corner of the living room.

He composed himself but then stood up again and took the tablet and put it on the music rack after setting the lid up. He then sat and calmed his mind.

Xion started to play the piano, and sing..


The pain starts as soon as I open my eyes

Every time I think of you, my heart aches

I guess all the heartbreak before wasn't a heartbreak

I'm learning that this is a true heartbreak through you

Everything that happened in my room with you becomes a movie

In that movie, you're the star of my love

I don't wanna see the end of this love that is coming to an end

So I rewind to the beginning and take you out again

When the moonlight covers my tears

My one and only love comes to an end

I try to burn you from my heart to forget, to erase it all

But like a flame, you wrap around me, you cruel love

My sad love became a sad poem

You're so bad, you left me for just one mistake

If only I could forget you with just one teardrop

Then I can cry for 365 days, the whole year

Go away, go away

You used to be my love at one point

When the starlight gets locked in the ocean with a strong sigh

My sad and quickened breath will stop

My last monologue will get carried away by the wind

To a faraway place where I've left to because you're not here

But like a flame,you wrap around me, you cruel love

When the moonlight covers my tears

My one and only love comes to an end

I try to burn you from my heart to forget, to erase it all

But like a flame, you wrap around me, you cruel love~ flame


Xion poured out his feelings into the song, as he just purely sings every lyric while tears flowing slowly in his handsome face.

The audience felt the emotion strongly as tears also dropped unconsciously. Seonho, who is washing the dishes in the kitchen, just sighs deeply as he knows that the song is about Lee Sohee, Seonho then takes his phone and dialed Suzy.

Suzy was not busy as she answered the phone, when the phone connected, she hears Seonho's voice " ae-in-ah, neomu bogoshipo, jeongmal bogoshipo.. thank you for being my wife and trusting me in my hard time". Suzy was flabbergasted but happy at the same time.. they then talked about each other but Seonho still didn't mention Lee Sohee or Xion at all.

Back in the living room, Yeonjun, Ran and Ravn was caught off guard because of the song and the outpouring sentimental ballad.

Yeonjun was cursing Xion inside, "damn dude, if you keep doing something like this, how can we catch up to your level as the debut date is nearing", but actually Ravn and Ran are also thinking the same, cursing Xion internally but motivated to do better than before.

Ravn quickly recovered and tried to change the atmosphere as he just jumped to the conclusion, "well, now we can talk to your so called pretty sister.. don't chicken out now"

Yeonjun and Ran look back at Ravn and silently give him thumbs up, as they also don't know how to react or comment on such a situation which is so heavy.

One thing that boys understand naturally, never speak to your bro when it is about heartbreak but let him talk first! just avoid the topic if it is inconvenient.

Xion, understanding their intention then wiped away his face clear of tears and freshened his face. The others did the same too.

Xion then called her sister using the tablet. Since Yiren never put her photo in her profile picture, the picture shown was a cute little rabbit.

The boys are sitting on the sofa waiting for the call to connect, and then it connected....