System Path

"What the hell is this?!"

Beng Hun did not know what he was looking at. In front of him was an interface that showed 6 paths that he could take. They read:

Beng Hun was confused and did not know what to do. He pressed on one and a description was shown about them. He pressed again and a loud buzzing noise indicated if he wanted to confirm this path. Startled, He went back and carefully pressed on each of them to read about.

"Huh, they all sound so cool! But which one to choose from?"

Beng Hun was confused.

"Chosen already? What does this mean? I have so many questions... but it seems like when I press on them I can only read the description and not continue down that path. there are two options left for me."

Beng Hun was naturally lazy. His new outlook on life didn't change who he was as a person. He wanted to choose the Heavenly Demon's path. The 'Enemy of the Heavens' path seemed so undesirable to him. Why would he choose the hardest path? Why would he choose something that will slow down his vengeance? But when he pressed upon the Heavenly Demon's path...

Beng Hun was confused. Again.

"What just...? I chose the Heavenly Demon's path, but it has been chosen already. Earlier it was unlocked. How did this happen?"


The sudden cough was heard to the right of Beng Hun. That was also where he laid his brother's corpse.

"Feng Shu...?"