Сhapter 26

I finally came to the training with Iruka that day, but the training itself did not happen. The teacher almost immediately noticed my battered condition, arranging a full-fledged interrogation about what happened... And somehow I couldn't refuse him, still telling him about what happened. After that, I was expecting almost an hour-long lecture on the topic that fighting with my classmates is not the best idea, and in general it is not very prudent to cross Hugo's path.

But you know, somehow I didn't really regret my decision to tell Iruka about everything. Although he lectured me, which has already become a kind of tradition, he did it more out of concern for me. So in general, his words were not perceived by me as something negative. In addition, it was quite pleasant for me to feel such care in my direction ... Because of which, even the lack of training that day, I was not too upset. Still, after the fight with Neji, I was somewhat not up to it, he shook me well. The body ached and ached until the evening, and the hematomas on the shoulders, arms and chest resolved this time especially for a long time.

Well, but I finally calmed down, taking, so to speak, revenge from this little shit. And in general, after that fight with little Hugo, I felt my own progress much more clearly ... Although, I knew perfectly well before that I was getting stronger, but I still didn't think that in more than two months, I would be able, if not to level up, then come very close to Neji's skills. But he was not considered the genius of the white - eyed clan from scratch… And let it be somewhat wrong to compare myself with children, but I was still pleased with myself early.

Although, I feel that now Neji will not get rid of me, wanting to take revenge. Which, to be honest, is not so scary, and the fights of students outside the academy are not punished so severely, and even then, only if it becomes known about these fights… It wasn't just that I could stand up for Hinata freely enough, just provoking bullies to fight behind the academy's doors. If the situation were different, my teachers would have eaten up the whole bald spot for a long time because of constant fights…

And yes, the most negative moment, if it can be called such at all, in this whole story was Hinata's reaction… Neji, the cunning bastard, did not hesitate to tell the girl that she still loved her brother, from where exactly he had abrasions and bruises. Because of what the girl herself came to my class to swear the next day… While watching all this from the side, Neji was completely satisfied with the situation. Yeah, I somehow did not expect such a development of events…

But it was even funny to watch the determined Hinata who came to swear at me in a childish way. Well, I even honestly listened to all her accusations against me, which boiled down to the banal – do not offend my brother, otherwise I will be offended at you even more. A really cute and funny kid who, although studying at the academy of future assassin mercenaries, still manages to surprise me with his kindness and bright character.

- Hinata, well, don't swear at me ... - I begged for mercy, bowing in front of the girl and trying not to show too cheerful smile on my face. - Neji and I are boys... for us, fighting is something completely normal. To Tom already, after all, Neji himself came to me to fight. He even almost managed to beat me. - Still unable to keep a bright smile, I explained to the girl. And she listened to me, even though she continued to frown very funny and "menacingly" look at me.

Although, despite the fun, I still did not forget to carefully select words and expressions in order to really earn the forgiveness of one overly trusting person. However, I wasn't going to transfer her anger to Nejdi either. He, of course, did not act in the most honest way, which is why I now had to explain myself to my ward, but I was not going to blame him for anything. We are not enemies after all, and I do not dislike him myself.… Although, this type of people pisses me off in some moments.

- Vaughn, I haven't even got the bruises from yesterday yet… But you know how quickly everything heals on me. - I immediately continued to convince the girl of my rightness, lifting up my T-shirt to show the bruises on my body that had not yet completely come off ... Which greatly embarrassed the baby, finally depriving her of the mood to swear with me. And even if she was still babbling something there about me not fighting with her brother anymore… But the conflict between us could already be considered settled. And at the expense of my future fights with Neji, against which I myself will definitely not object, I have already managed to disown…

- Hinata, we are all studying here in order to become Shinobi. And Shinobi should be able to fight… So if your brother wants to wave his fists again, I definitely won't help him in this opportunity. - Cleanly and openly, completely childish, I smiled, finally knocking out of the girl any desire to swear with me. She even took my words about future fights more than calmly… Apparently, this is affected by the fact that my words still made sense, and I myself have not once or twice stood up for the girl, fighting with my former classmates, and not only with them…

In general, yes, Neji's "insidious" plan went to one place… Well, I began to seriously think about what I should do if Hinata's childhood crush never comes to naught. She forgave me almost any antics too easily, and in general, she accepted and believed my words too easily. It took me only a few minutes for all the resentment and discontent of the girl to come to naught, and the girl herself seemed to forget about her brother altogether…

And this, even taking into account the character of the girl, already says a lot… Apparently, the girl's feelings are strong enough, since she reacts in this way to everything that is somehow connected with me… After all, she really didn't see any flaws in me, forgiving almost everything at once ... even imagine more obvious signs of falling in love.

Yeah, it's a strange situation. If Hinta were twenty or twenty-five years older, I would even be glad of my luck… Although, it seems to me, such mature girls are not very capable of such sincere emotions and feelings, but the fact itself did not change from this. I just didn't know how to react to the girl's feelings, fearing that by my actions and behavior, I only bind her to myself more strongly, largely using the feelings already available…

That's just the Hinata itself, I certainly could not perceive in a romantic way. She was more like a daughter to me... or something like that… Well, in any case, now this cute crumb did not arouse any desires in me, except the desire to protect and protect this little sun, which is why I actually started messing with her after learning about her problems with bullies. That's just the girl's own infatuation somewhat complicated this relationship, making me somewhat worried about this. I wouldn't want to hurt that one.…

And I didn't see an obvious way out of this situation. After all, I definitely did not want to stop communicating with the girl… I liked Hinata's company anyway. And it was useful for the girl herself to at least maintain normal communication with someone. That one even gets rid of her shyness gradually, learning to communicate banally with people. And my company doesn't bother you as much as it used to…

Yeah, and again, yeah, a difficult situation with which I, so far, did not know what to do at all… And therefore, I decided to simply dump the problem into a long box. The hope that the girl's childish feelings would cool down somewhat calmed me. Moreover, in a few years I'm going to graduate from the Shinobi Academy, which means that meetings with Hinata will become very rare… The main thing is for the girl herself to get used to society at least a little by that time. Otherwise, without my figure behind the girl's back, many bullies may become emboldened again…