Сhapter 33

You know, maybe I overestimated my capabilities a little, thinking that I would quickly cope with the basics of fuinjutsu ... After all, if I really got used to the theoretical part pretty quickly, even straightened my own handwriting somewhat, succumbing to the influence of the strongest motivation, then everything was much more complicated with practice. I simply could not withdraw my Yang component of the chakra for the redistribution of the body. Well, it didn't work out for me and that's it… But I really tried, for the third month I have been continuing to meditate with masochistic persistence, trying to squeeze at least a little bit of my life force out of the body.

It's not working out very well so far. I may have learned to feel and interact with my own Yang chakra, but it was really hard to control it. The Yang component of the chakra was too poorly controlled, which is why I could not yet take it outside of my own body... Although, I could control the Yang chakra inside my own body for a very, very short time. Concentration was not enough for a long time, my head began to buzz after a couple of minutes of such practice.

But I didn't despair anyway. And Aikawa-sensei was more than happy with my success, constantly reassuring me that fuinjutsu is a very complex art and the fact that I was able to somehow interact with the Yang Chakra is already a very good sign.… Yeah, that's a comfort to myself, to be honest, but my motivation, despite the fact that I'm whining and complaining to myself right now, didn't even think about going to naught. This situation was partly due to the encouragement of the teacher, partly due to the side bonuses of my fiun training…

Yes, my endless meditations and attempts to control the Yang Chakra were bearing fruit. In particular, my overall control over the chakra grew literally by leaps and bounds. Most manipulations with the chakra have become quite banal and natural for me, no longer requiring my conscious attention and concentration. So, I could now support the strengthening of my own body with the chakra for almost hours, and this strengthening itself began to turn out much better, which is why I have recently even started crowding Iruka in our constant sparring.

And illusory clones, like other techniques of the academic program, began to turn out much better for me. My control over the chakra really improved, which already justified all my suffering and troubles with the head… And I'm not joking now, because my little head is really starting to bother me. Constant migraines, dizziness and mental exhaustion are not the norm at all...I think if the iryenins, who have been watching my well–being and health especially closely lately, had not calmed me down with more than positive trends in the development of my body, I could have already reduced the chosen training topic…

Well, as it is, I have been holding on for now, suffering periodic attacks of headache, after another attempt to force the Yang Chakra to move ... and it even bore fruit. Gradually, my control over the Yang component of the chakra improved. Well, if it weren't for such extreme and exhausting, in my understanding, training, I would hardly have learned at least how to interact with the Yang Chakra over the past three months.

As far as I understood now, the "transformation" into the Yang and Yin component of the chakra is almost the most difficult type of manipulation with the chakra. Any spontaneous transformations against the background of such manipulations will seem like a simple child's game ... And I am now literally repeating the words of Aizawa-sensei, who could be trusted in such matters. He was generally quite well versed in the nature of the chakra and in any issues that are somehow related to this.

At the same time, he did not hesitate to share his knowledge, greatly expanding my ideas about chekra and this world as a whole ... Yes, the lectures of a really elderly shinobi, who, as far as I understood, was born before the foundation of Konoha, were insanely interesting and useful. At the same time, the benefits of them were not only in the framework of studying fuinjutsu. Aizawa-sensei really told a lot about the chakra, sometimes going into such wilds that lectures on funjutsu smoothly turned into lectures about the natural chakra and how this chakra affects shinobi techniques, and, of course, fiun seals…

Ahem, in this regard, the old man really jumped sharply from the school course to things that not every Jounin had even heard of… Which somewhat harmed the consistency of our classes, but I didn't even think to be indignant. The words and lectures of the director of the academy complemented and confirmed my own knowledge too well, obtained while watching anime in a previous life. Although, of course, many of the knowledge brought to me by the old man, so far remained a dead weight in my head. But this is just for now…

And Aikawa-sensei was dumping a lot of useful knowledge on me right now. So, I began to try to drive the Yang component of my chakra through the body as often as possible… Which not only strengthened the body itself, but also increased the amount of the Yang component of the chakra produced. And even if I didn't need the latter so much, but even despite my fears about chakra control, I understood perfectly well that there is no such thing as a lot of chakra. And the more I have it in the end, the easier it will be for me to survive the upcoming events.

About the fact that the Yang component of the chakra is used in the vast majority of medical techniques, I am already silent at all… However, comparing Fuin techniques with Irenin techniques is still somewhat wrong. Seals need to be powered with almost pure life force, which in itself will kill the patient rather than help him with wounds. Therefore, although the iryenins change their chakra for the treatment of patients, but the Yang of the component of the chakra in their techniques is only slightly more than in the usual, so-called neutral techniques.

And yes, iryenins do not need to master direct work with the Yang chakra, even if it will be much easier for an experienced ninja medic to master such manipulations than for an ordinary Shinobi… But this is already a particular and empty theory. Iryenins can rarely afford to study something beyond what their chosen profession requires of them. Still, medicine in this world, as elsewhere, is actually too complicated a path for iryenins to devote a lot of time to other areas of Shinobi development. Because of this, by the way, there are not many iryenins either. And in all past wars, as a rule, they died among the first…

Well, and I don't care about it, the main thing is that not only is it easier for iryenins to master fuinjutsu, but if I master fuin properly, I can try to master medical techniques. The necessary basis of skills and control over the chakra necessary for Irenin, I am already working out now. And let the fox chakra in my body, which is really getting bigger and bigger over time, will somewhat interfere with my endeavors… But I just have to try.

In the meantime, I still have a whole six months before I graduate from the academy. And during this time, I want to at least at a basic level to become a fuin… Aizawa-sensei, of course, is ready to study with me after my graduation from the academy, but genin's life under the supervision of a mentor is unlikely to abound with free time. Therefore, I would like to take the first step towards mastering fiun in the next six months… And then this activity may be pushed into the background, in connection with studying with your own mentor.

Still, I, anyway, put taijutsu and ninjutsu much higher in my list of priorities than fuinjutsu ... Just because it's normal to use fuin in battle can be a few units among Shinobi. And in the future, first of all, I would just like to survive. And even if mastering fuinjutsu can help me quite well in this matter, but comparing the art of seals with ning and tai is pointless. They are the basis of any Shinobi's fighting strength.

That's why, first of all, I was going to study exactly these areas of Shinobi art… I would still be doing exactly that if I had the opportunity and a suitable teacher at my disposal. Although, it's a sin for me to complain now, still I really want to master fuinjutsu, it can be said that it has sunk into my soul because of its versatility and ... mystical power to influence the laws of nature… But so far, pure calculation and fear of future events are winning in me.

So it would be necessary to push a little more at the base of the fuin, until all my attention began to be devoured by training in taijutsu and ninjutsu. Which I still really hope for…