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4.) No more funny business

On the other side news had finally reached Altons emperor who had similarly immediately called Alton for a brief report of the current situation. After going over the battle and the suspicion movement Alton didn't hesitate to express his suspicions about this potential enemy who had popped up out of nowhere.

¨Commander Alton i won't hide it from you, this isn't just about expanding our empire's reach. I've reserved information that this planet has scanned positive for our mineral testing and because it was so hospitable i sent troop down to check out the situation.¨

Alton didn't react much, after all it was as he expected.

" I'll try for a ceasefire as soon as possible, and your majesty… I would like to suggest an investigation be run on where this information was gathered from. I have some suspicions."

Alton thought back to the gas inside the main control rooms and frowned. More than one power was at play here and he needed to know who. Someone from his 'side' had either teamed up with a new enemy or gave access to his ships to the new enemy. He didn't believe that this was done completely by someone on his 'side'.

The emperor's frown loosened somewhat and his hand swept irritably through his short pale blue hair,

"Commander Alton, I have the same exact thoughts, it appears that we may have been used. I wouldn't be surprised if the information is completely fake. I'll let you handle the situation, keep me updated."

With a quick salute Alton waited until the Emperor ended the call before refocusing his attention on the battlefield. They need to have a ceasefire. His next actions were immediate, with several orders his ships fell out of battle formations and stopped firing attacks. It seemed the other side was quick on the uptake and almost immediately after they also stopped firing and their positions shifts too.

Alton looked at the moving shops opposite him and thought out loud,

"It seems that their commander isn't a dunce, I think that they've noticed the situation and should have also wanted a ceasefire."

The person who had just arrived next to him replied evenly,

"Commander i believe what you said is correct. The other side is not a dunce and seems to have also wanted a ceasefire. Great work Commander, you really are the one who deserves the title 'The most handsome bachelor in the Gurr Empire,'You have the smarts and the face."

Altons face sank quickly,

"Major General Serge I did not ask your opinion on my supposed title of Gurr empire's most handsome bachelor, in fact I did not ask you anything at all. Would you kindly shut your trap?"

The slightly shorter man smiled so much his eyes turned into crescents.

"As your West wing commander I would like to display my understanding of our current situation, Star Commander Alton would you permit me to speak?"


Altons face was still wearing an annoyed expression but his thoughts had slowed down and his tension had disappeared somewhat. An effect that both Serge an Alton knew would happen. One of the reasons Alton let Serge run his mouth however he pleased was because it was good at defusing the tense atmosphere that Alton often created. That and he just wouldn't shut up.

Altons wristband vibrated and an income facetime call popped up on the holographic interface.

Answering it immediately he was met with the Stern sharp face of his East wing commander.

"Star Commander Alton, this is Major General Ralph making a report. We seem to have reached a stalemate with this new power, I would like to add my own opinion."

Altons face turned even darker and for a moment he had the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Permission granted."

"Star Commander Alton, I feel that we have been played and believe that we should create a ruckus."

With his last few words the stern look on Ralph's face faded and he couldn't withhold the wicked smile that surfaced when he said the word ruckus.

In the end Alton pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled lightly through his nose. But with the small antics that both his right and left wing general displayed he had thoroughly calmed down and his spirling thoughts had been cast away.

Refocusing his attention on the battleships in front of him he replied to Ralphs earlier words,

"Ralph, Serge, focus please. Well make contact with the other side and try to gain some information. I am curious about the fact that they simply appeared out of nowhere. If things turn south we'll have to make a run for it."

They had already lost two ships and knew nothing about this enemy, the better option would be to run than continue a senseless battle.

Turning to his subordinates below who all wore light smiles after listening to their commanders antics he said,

"Open the communication channel, hopefully they can pick up our signal."

Watching the screen in front of him appear he sat down in the Ship Commanders seat and stared imposingly at the floating screen. All the earlier fatigue and wearines had faded. He was as clear headed as if he had slept a full 20 hours. The screen flickered to life and suddenly he was face to face with the Commander of the potential enemy fleet.