I woke up to Matt shaking me slightly, I tried to open my eyes but it burns badly, it hurts so bad I must say.

I heard another male voice in the room, this voice is far deeper and more compelling than the latter which made me conclude that the owner of the voice must be much older than Matt.

I moved my head slowly to the voice direction and tried once again to open my eyes, it was just too heavy for me to control the lid.

I stopped trying and relaxed into the bed trying to figure out what was wrong with me in my head.

I could boast I was very fine this when I was going through I that messed up stuff, now I suddenly felt like a truck had run over me, I tried once again to look up but fail miserably.

"Let me take a look at her." The other male voice said, I felt some big cold hands touch my head and shiver

I know the hand belong to the voice because it is much bigger than Matt's own.

" She has a fever," I heard the voice again as he confirmed what I thought is wrong with me.

I must warn the voice continues in a sterner tone her fever is a bit too high I need to bring her in.

I panicked and tried to move away from them, something told me all my movement was done in my head

Matt must have noticed anyway because he said.

There won't be a need for that sir, she is been through a lot I will rather we do not move her" I heard Matt say softly. How did he get to understand me this much in this little space and time?

I finally crack my eyes open but my vision is in a blur. I can't make out clearly what the man looked like, all can figure out is that he is tall and muscular.

I must have blanked out for a while because I did not know what the older man said all I heard was Matt joking reply

"It's a good thing I coming running to you then, Dr Mark." so he is a doctor and his name is a Make good I said in my head,

I sensed Matt sinking slowly into the bed and felt him very close to me, his masculine smell give him away as I am still unwilling to open my eyes and the way the mattress sank in deeply gives the telltale of his weight on the bed.

He placed his hands on my face, I know he was trying to tell me how hot my body is, but can't he just collect the thermometer from the doctor? he should have one I guess.

I asked myself. not willing to voice my thought, I kept mute and allow him to have his way.

I line into his touch very slight every movement feels like I have run for close to thirty minutes.

"We will have to treat your fever dear, I sensed you want to remain indoors so I brought the doctor to you instead." He said and all I can do is nod my thanks only once.

The nod was very slowly yet the effort caused my head to ache badly, I wanted to send my hand very fast to my head but my hand felt like four tons of iron were embedded in them so I gave up the attempt.

He stood up I know his weight lift the bed and a heavier weight which I believe belong to the doctor took his place

"I will have to set up a line for you." He said and I attempted at nodded which only help my headache hurt me more, I don't know why I keep trying to respond when I know the attempt only course more pain

The poking of my hand with a needle caused me to quickly open and close my eyes quickly; the pain that went through my body was like I had a needle in every part of my body.

I let out a whip I do not know I still have in me to produce. I felt the needle been withdrawn as I felt a soft hand touch on my shoulder, then it began to rub a circle on my shoulder and I began to relax as the pain reduced gradually

After a while, I felt a needle prick my hand again, this time it wasn't as painful as the first time as the hand drawing the circle never left my shoulder.

I wink at the pain because there was still a measurable amount of pain, I must say that was the last thing I felt as sleep took over


I woke up to the ringing of my phone, turning my head towards the sound too quickly I expected the pain to shoot through my head but surprisingly none came

I can't believe all my pain was gone, I looked at my hand and the wool that has been plastered on my right hand, a telltale that the drip line had just been removed.

I can't believe I slept through the treatment, it has never happened before and I have never recovered from fever this quickly

I wonder what was in the drip anyway I put the thought aside as my phone rang again. sitting up in bed slowly not wanting to set in motion any kind of pain in the process.

But I was wrong no pain shoots out from any part of my body, I feel very healthy. I removed the plaster to see how my hand is faring

I wanted to know if I was still bleeding from the puncture to my hand or if the wound has closed up and it has so I removed the plaster and the cottonwood.

I looked around and found the room was empty, where is Matt? I asked myself. I looked around the room for my phone and spotted it

The phone rang off before I can get out of bed, I planned to ignore the call knowing it can be the people I do not wish to see again now that I have Matt. but then it might be Matt calling.

I stood up from the bed and walked to his reading table where my phone lies peacefully.

I checked the caller id and found a number I have not saved on my phone meaning I do not know the caller or it might just be anybody trying to reach me.

As I contemplated on calling the caller back my phone ran again, this time I picked the call

Matt's familiar voice floated over the phone and I realized the breath I do not know about holding

"Sorry dear I have to leave for class early this morning, how are you doing? He asked

"I am fine I feel so much better," I answered wondering what class is was he attending, is was in school if so what school? before I could ask my questions he said.

"Your food is in the microwave if you are not up for that you can whip up anything with the supplies in the fridge and cupboards.

"Oh thanks, I am so grateful," I said shyly, covering my face as if he could see me. I chilled myself looking around the room once again

"You are welcome, please make yourself comfortable, feel free to watch the tv it is your house now you know you are welcome to live with me as long as you want." he did not just say that?

Joy filled my heart, I hope he meant what he said, and he is not just saying it out of courtesy, I need him to mean what he as just said that will be a total answer to all my prayers

Hello, are you there?" that brought me straight back to earth.

Yes, I am here. I only wish you mean what you just said" I finished in my head

I mean every word I say to you, dear." I heard him say and I gap I didn't believe I said that out loud, he heard me, my hand flee to my mouth

I feel moved to tears though and I thanked him. he gave more instructions on where things are located in his one-room apartment, then hung up.

I looked around the room it is huge, I am sure he must have turned a mini-warehouse into this leave-in-room.

I walked to his microwave brought out the food he kept for me, walked to his plate rake picked a flat plate and walked back to his eating table placed the plate on it and arranged the food in it,

I went back for a spoon, picking a teaspoon the size I love eating with I walked back to the table dragged out a stool from under the islander. settling myself on it; I dig in.