Bedroom Eyes

-Your POV-

Professor Flitwick stood in front of his arm chair, his face filled with a joyous smile as he took a look at his students.

The classroom was divided into left and right, two rows facing each other. Each student was given a simple candle.

"Good morning everyone! I'm happy to see so many familiar faces in my classroom. I hope everyone had a good break?"

He didn't seem to expect a response to his question but the nonchalant chatter took some of the nerves from Y/N. She was told that Professor Flitwick was one of the more popular teachers at Hogwarts and she could already see why.

"At the end of this school year you will be facing your OWLs, so to prepare you for those extraordinarily important exams, we will start by revising some of the charms you should already be well familiar with and frankly master in your sleep."

Professor Flitwick looked around the room until his eyes stopped at Y/N. He seemed to be eager to find out what skills his new student brought to the table.

"Miss Y/N, do you have an idea which charm we will be going over today?"

Luckily, the answer was easy.

"Judging from the candles, it has to be Incendio."

"Good, good! Could you please demonstrate?"


Y/N straightened her shoulders and raised her wand. Spruce wood with unicorn hair.

'Okay, Y/N. Show them that you've got it.'


A firm and calm voice, the right hand movement and without much effort, a small flame ate it way into the wick.

She couldn't hold back a smile.

"Very good!" Professor Flitwick nodded approvingly. "It is very simply magic but the execution was quick and perfect. 5 points for Slytherin."

"Nice," her friend without a name whispered and nudged her side.

"Now please, as a warmup, everyone tend to your candles and cast a flame. Then we shall move on.

The students started getting busy, some were nailing the charm on their first attempt, others, like Y/N's 'bestie' needed a moment longer.

"Incendio!" But her wand merely farted an ashy cloud.

"Incendio!" Another fail. She groaned. "How did you do it so easily? You must have had amazing teachers at Ilvermorny."

Y/N bit her lip as he tried to remember her time at the American Wizarding school. But nothing came to her mind, she only saw the hill with the school on top.

It was strange. She didn't remember the classes, yet the spells came naturally. Like something or someone deleted only a specific part of her memory.

But she had been thinking about it so much lately, she should give herself a break.

"Maybe be a bit more delicate," Y/N suggested.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes on her. She looked up and right into the face of Draco Malfoy.

The contact only lasted a split second and his expression remained empty but it was enough to prove to Y/N that he knew of her existence.

They were both stars on the same night sky.


Finally, her friend's candle lit up.

"This took way too long," she mumbled, frustrated.

"The result is what matters," Y/N tried to cheer her up.

Once all candles were burning, Professor Flitwick moved on to increase the difficulty and Y/N managed to concentrate.


The study hall was quiet and only few lamps were turned on. Despite it being the middle of day, the light emitted was necessary for study as outside a vigorous storm had pushed the bright summer to the most outer corners of the sky.

The orange light of the lamp in front of her created almost a clear circle around Y/N and the books she had taken out. She breathed in the subtle scent of paper and wood as she went through her notes from Potions class. But she soon got frustrated as she noticed that the most important parts were missing.

Professor Snape turned out to be a very fast talker and before you could ask him to repeat something, he had already moved on to the next subject.

Her mind began wandering off and she wished she could be outside, exploring the school grounds instead of panicking over some essay. But it didn't seem like the storm would quiet down anytime soon.

Suddenly missing nature, Y/N whipped out her wand and seconds later she had a thin vase standing in front of her with a single yellow tulip inside.

Where did that spell come from? Y/N was sure that she had never used it before.

Like earlier she felt a pair of eyes on her and like earlier, when she turned to her right, she saw Draco Malfoy, this time only two seats away. And alone.

He was looking at the vase, seeming somewhat impressed and then turned back to his own studies.

Y/N couldn't tell which book he was flicking through but it also didn't matter. This was her chance.

She channeled all bravery and strength she had and leaned forward, regulating the volume of her voice.

"Hey...uhm...Draco, right?" she asked, acting like she didn't totally knew who he was and like she hadn't been thinking about him nonstop since the day his name appeared on her arm.

The boy looked up, raising an eyebrow. "What?"

Now looking right into his face for more than just a second and so up close, Y/N's heart starting beating faster. He was even more attractive than she had thought.

His features were delicate and his eyes ever-longing for something nobody could ever grasp.

Bedroom eyes. That's how Y/N decided to call them. The color was hard to identify due to the intense light of the lamps.

Then she shook herself out of the trance, praying that he hadn't noticed how she was staring.

"I was wondering if you have all the notes on Moonstone from earlier. I couldn't really...keep up. I've got everything up until," she checked her notes, "the use of powdered Moonstone. At least everything that's still readable."

She looked back at Draco. His expression had changed, he seemed surprised.

And that was when Y/N noticed: Draco Malfoy is not someone people usually ask for help, probably not even his friends.

This could be either good or bad for her so she put on a small smile in hopes that it would help her.

Draco seemed to hesitate but then pulled out some papers and slid them over to Y/N.

"You can copy them."

"Great, thanks!"

She put the notes next to hers and started going through them. Draco had a surprisingly nice handwriting, almost a bit old-fashioned.

Muggle studies said that the handwriting of a person says a lot about their personality. If she had to guess, she'd say that this boy took a lot of pride in who he was, what he stood for and how others perceived him.

Pride was good but from what both Hermione and the girl without a name had told Y/N, Draco might have a tad too much.

She felt how he was watching her copy his notes and warmth filled her stomach.

"Why didn't you ask Helena? Don't you two always sit together?"

Helena! That was her name!

Y/N felt a huge relief to finally know it without having to ask again but was also surprised by the fact that Draco knew who she was friends with.

"Well, she isn't here at the moment and I really wanted to get this done so I could start with the essay." Y/N didn't look up while saying that.

"So you're a nerd," Draco stated.


"No but it's easy to fall behind when you're new somewhere."

Draco didn't say anything to that and Y/N finished writing down the notes. Then she gave him back his papers.

"Thank you."

There was no 'You're welcome', not even a nod or smile. Instead, he sorted his papers.

Suddenly, Draco looked at her. His eyes were narrowed.

"You're friends with Potter, aren't you?" He spit out the name like it was poison. "You sat with them yesterday."

"Have you been watching me?" Y/N joked nervously. His expression didn't change.

"I watch everyone. Especially those that associate themselves with the 'golden trio'. Did you befriend them on the train?"

Y/N shifted in her chair nervously. Should she be honest? Afterall, Draco and Harry supposedly hated each other.

"I'm not sure if I'd call it friendship, I don't know much about them. It's like with He...lena. I'm just getting to know people."

Draco thought for a second, then he smiled. It wasn't a carefree and happy smile like Y/N saw on the train. It was mischievous. But that didn't make it less beautiful.

"You're a Slytherin now so I'd keep interactions with Potter and his clan to a minimum. Why don't you sit with us for dinner tonight?"

Y/N's heart was beating faster again. Draco asked her to sit with him for dinner yet it felt more like he was just trying to piss off Harry. What would Hermione think? She made it clear that Y/N shouldn't be too friendly with Draco. was Draco Malfoy. The boy with the name that has been haunting her for weeks. The boy with the bedroom eyes.

"Sure, I'd love to," Y/N replied before she could even stop herself.

"Good. But Y/N..."

Hearing him say her name took her by surprise. It sounded perfect.

Draco's expression was back to serious.

"I am inviting you. Not Helena."