Too Much Butterbeer

-Your POV-

Once Y/N reached Zonko's, she was cooking with anger. She was annoyed with the whole situation and felt helpless as well. 

There was a chance to restore her memory but how could she ever succeed on her own? Even if she tried, she'd most likely fail.

Draco was already inside the shop and when he saw Y/N, he raised an eyebrow and asked what had happened. But although she wanted to spill out her heart and tell Draco literally everything, she couldn't. "I don't want to talk about it." Luckily, he didn't push her further.

Instead, Draco tried to lift her mood by telling a story about how he once had tried to prank his father with a dungbomb - something he'd never do again because his dad didn't take the joke very well.

Y/N noticed how Draco was really good at telling stories and she couldn't help but laugh even though she felt horrible.

"Oh look, should we get one of those for Umbridge?"

He picked up a little box and handed it to Y/N. 

"Nose-Biting Teacups? Do you want to be expelled?" She put it back. "I'm hungry, can we go eat something?"


They left Zonko's together and Y/N quickly looked around but couldn't spot Hermione and Ron.

She suddenly felt bad for being that nasty earlier. They were just trying to help and she channeled her panic into anger to let it out at them. They must hate her now.

She also wished Draco would take her hand again but sadly he didn't.

They grabbed some pickled eel at a small pub. Draco really didn't fit into the grubby atmosphere, it was an odd yet amusing image.

Luckily, the food tasted better than it looked.

"The others are waiting at The Three Broomsticks."

"Sounds like another pub."

He nodded. 

"Then why didn't we eat there?" Y/N asked.

Draco looked right at her. "Because I wanted to be alone with you.

Y/N knew that she was blushing and hoped the feeble light hid the color in her face.

After they had finished eating, they left to meet up with Draco's friends.

Y/N could tell from afar that the group was tipsy which really didn't help with her anxiety. Drunk people were scary.

"There you are," Pansy shrieked. "Were you two busy snogging?"

They both ignored the question and sat down.

"Oh so now it's a secret?" She turned to Y/N. "Sweetie, give up. I've tried for years to get something out of him but Draco's a sociopath."

"No, Pansy. You are just a pain in the ass," he replied dryly.

A woman came to ask if they wanted anything. Draco ordered two Butterbeer. 

The group immediately started talking and Y/N felt uncomfortable as she didn't know how to join the conversation. Whatever Butterbeer was, she needed a lot of it.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Blaise asked. He really was drunk and Y/N thought about whether she should talk with him about Helena now. A drunk Blaise might be easier to convince. But she held back.

"I'll have to finish my essay," Draco answered. 

"Boring," Pansy taunted. Then the girl looked at Y/N.

"Hey, newbie. You're awfully quiet."


"There's something I just have to ask you."

"What's that?"

She leaned forward and grinned. Whatever was about to come out of her mouth, it couldn<'t be good.

"Fuck, marry, kill. McGonagall, Umbridge and…"

"Snape," Blaisee threw in.

The question completely caught Y/N off guard and she took a sip from her Butterbeer in order to win time.

Everyone was watching her.

"So?" Pansy asked. 

"Well…I guess I'd marry McGonagall, fuck Snape and kill Umbridge."

Did she really just say that out loud?

"Wait, didn't you say yesterday that you wouldn't kill her?" Pansy raised an eyebrow.

"Yes but in this scenario it's really the lesser evil," she defended herself.

"Guys!" Blaise raised his hands. "Y/N just said that she'd fuck Snape!"

"Wow, newbie. Your taste in men is…interesting!"

Y/N felt beyond embarrassed. "Only hypothetically! I would never-"

"Good afternoon."

Y/N jumped at the voice to her left. She turned and looked right into Professor Snape's face.

'Oh please no. Why? I should have jumped off the cliff when I still had the chance to.'

She tried to see in his expression whether he had overheard the game but as always, he was impossible to read.

He only raised an eyebrow at Pansy who was trying so hard to hold back laughter. Draco was chuckling as well.

Then Snape turned to Y/N. His face was stonern

"I'm looking forward to your essay. It will be interesting to assess your skills and…personal…tone."

His voice creeped her out, like there was a hidden meaning behind the words. She tried to not show how scared she was of the teacher.

"And I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback, Sir." She put on a feeble smile.

Snape's eyes remained on her for another second, then he just turned around and walked away.

Once he had left the pub, the others broke out into laughter.

"You should have seen your face," Pansy shrieked. "You looked like he was about to kill you!"

"It's not funny," Y/N mumbled.

"Right, it's not funny, sorry. It's hilarious!"