Since last night David looked like someone so different than the man who knew it immediately sighed.

"David," called Ed. "Did you rest last night?"

Everyone at the dining table was silent and busy with their food. Unlike David, who had been daydreaming as if he was thinking about something.

Sehan, Kayra, and Kayla didn't dare to say a word because they thought that something had happened between her brother and his father.

"David," the man continued then sighed when he saw his eldest son wake up and look at him.

"Sorry, did you call me?" asked David with one hand now scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

Ed who heard that immediately shook his head before finally speaking again.

"Did you rest last night? I saw your dark circles under your eyes."

"I only slept for two hours, because there are so many reports coming in that I have to finish them tonight."