Finally, like it or not, Sehan had to get out of his hiding place and walk to the dining table to gather with David, Ed, and a woman he didn't know.

"Why are you even standing there?" he asked. "Let's sit down quickly. Oh, yes, where are the others?"

Ed, who saw Sehan was silent, made the man look directly at David and then looked back at the person beside him and sighed.

"Kayra and Kayla, huh?" the man asked. "Maybe they're still in the room. Sehan, you'd better call them here to join."

"Okay, Dad."

After that Sehan immediately rushed away from the dining table so that now David, Ed, and Nathalia who saw him shook their heads.

"Miss," called Ed. "Sorry if their attitude makes you uncomfortable, okay?"

"O-oh, no problem. Besides, it's possible that they're exhausted after they're done with their respective activities."

"Thank you for your understanding, Miss Nathalia."

"You're welcome, Mr. Ed."